Monday, November 19, 2007


Maybe I'm crazy, but I think Sofie might be showing some early signs of teething. She's been rather cranky lately, sucking on her fists a lot, constantly wants to nurse, and she's been blowing spit bubbles. It's especially cute when we blow raspberries at her and she makes her spit bubbles back at us. Yesterday I popped my finger in her mouth to feel around her gums and she grinned and grinned at me. I assume it felt good...I guess we'll have to wait and see.

There's not much new or exciting going on around these parts lately. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at Thanksgiving and dreading going back to work full-time. I'm working on finding a good place to chop off all my hair. I think maybe "mom hair" will help me shave some precious time off the morning routine. Getting up at 4:30 is getting old!


  1. I admire your strength--4:30, wow!

    Good luck starting back to work.

  2. Teething....don't get me started!!

  3. I think Brynn's teething too... we're going to have some happy campers when we see each other next month!!

  4. Bri got her first two teeth at 4 is possible!

  5. I thought the same thing about Lillian, but I think it was just a 3-5 month old thing... she didn't actually get any teeth until she was almost 11 months. So, it's hard to tell.
