Sunday, April 27, 2008


In nine weeks I will have completed all of the requirements for my Au.D.

Every once in awhile I have to stop and let that sink in. There is something about coming to the end of something that makes time start to go by in such a different way. Nine weeks is really next to nothing, but right now, under all of the stress that comes in the final days (before the wedding, before the baby, before graduating!!!) time seems to just languor on and the finish seems so hazy and impossible. I have, it seems, about eight million things to complete in the next two weeks. If I can just will myself through the 12th of May I should be smooth sailing...

I hope you'll all bear with me if I'm a bit rough around the edges over these next nine weeks!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Trick

Grandma lowered the crib mattress...what fun!

(This one's sort of long folks...for some reason my video cropping tool isn't working today.)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


...and my mama done had me strummin' on a geetar at seven months old...

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Uh...anyone ever have phantom feelings of a baby moving in your belly?

I could swear I've been feeling little kicks...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hurry Up

Tonight, for a moment, I laid on the couch staring out the window at the clouds drifting slowly across the night sky. They moved so laboriously that it made me anxious. I wanted to push them along, tell them to hurry it up a bit, fast forward, keep the pace, something, anything except remind me how fast I am moving, and how badly I want to be allowed to linger long enough to catch up. And then a little bit more, to slow down. To have enough time to absorb each moment deeply.

Life is not a race.