Sunday, November 11, 2007


For about a week now I've been looking for something that Sofie and I could get involved in together. I've scoured the Internet for infant story hours, exercise groups, and playgroups, and I'm really feeling a bit angry. It's not that I haven't found anything...there are plenty of activities for moms and their little ones to be a part of. The problem is that they all meet at hours that are clearly geared towards stay-at-home parents. I hate the message that this is perpetuating. It's as if, just because I am a working mom, I don't have the desire for my child to have enriching activities in her life. That somehow I must not need the support that comes from interacting with other parents. Disgusting.

If anyone knows of an activity or group that is not exclusive to the stay-at-home crowd, I would be so grateful if you would share the information with me. Otherwise, I'll set to work on getting the ball rolling myself...who knows, maybe this is how I'll make my millions!


  1. Sam, I don't think they are trying to exclude working mothers and fathers. I think it's more a fact that a) stay-at-home mom usually lead those groups, hence the morning meeting times and b) they probably figure that when the working parents get home, they want to spend that time with their little ones AT home. Not get home. Pack up the baby. Drive somewhere else and spend time with them there. Both sides have downfalls.

  2. I know it's frustrating and I was continually trying to get working moms together on the Sweet PEAS. It never worked out very well. In fact, the Sweet PEAS board goes dormant every evening and weekend. I think that the biggest factor is that with stay at home moms and working moms alike, those times are "daddy time" too, so it's not a time when the mom's necessarily want to get out alone with baby. I know that's not the case for everyone, but I guess it's the majority? Or I thought maybe the working moms don't get together because they're too pooped after working all day and don't want to leave home again - especially with baby in tow? One thing that did seem to work well for the Sweet PEAS was dinners for mamas with late working daddies. For the women whose hubbys worked late or 2nd shift or something, it was really nice to spend some evening hours with other adults. The Boulder library also has story time on Saturday mornings. So, there are some things out there, I just don't know what's in OH.... but keep looking! :)
