Sunday, November 11, 2007

Christmas Challenge

Unbelievably, Christmas is right around the corner once again. Money is tight at our house, as always, so I've been brainstorming some ways that we can keep Christmas affordable, yet still make it fun. This year we've come up with a "Christmas Challenge"; to gather the money for Christmas entirely from things we already have around the house. This means selling some things that we're not using anymore on Ebay, raiding the change jug in the laundry room, and scraping together credit left-over on gift cards. I have no idea how much cash we'll actually be able to come up with, but I'm estimating we'll be working with about a $15.00 per person spending limit. I've always loved a good challenge, and I'm actually pretty excited about this one, but I need some help from all of your "great brains." I'm working on coming up with a good list of ideas for frugal, yet much appreciated, Christmas gifts. Following are some of my favorites so far...please please please help me out with some of yours!

Holiday Themed Gifts (a beautiful ornament, a great holiday CD...)
Gift Cards (Caribou/Starbucks, Borders, movie theater, lottery...)
Tickets (...I'm not sure what you can get tickets to for $15.00, but I've always loved "experience" type gifts...)
Little Luxuries (A bottle of wine, L.A. Burdick's chocolates...)
Reading Material (Magazine subsription, great book...)

I'll probably add to this list as I think of more goodies...check back if you're interested!


  1. How about making something personal from the three of you. Maybe a picture of the three of you with hand prints below the picture in a frame. Something like that wouldn't cost a lot and the grandparents would probably love it.

  2. We are also trying to do Christmas on the cheap, and I agree that homemade things, or even just a nice framed picture, can be good presents. THe other thing that I do is the day after thanksgiving sales....probably not as practical with a tiny baby, but you really do asave a lot of money. Also, we go to the outlet mall.

  3. Home made goddies are the best... I make a cheese spread that is requested every year! Actual store bought gifts are for the little ones only. You can never have enough books to read to them!

  4. I vote for the pictures in frames (which you can make and personalize super cheap!) and home made goodies! Everyone loves pics of the baby (and you too!). We are giving Christmas pics to family this year as well. Also, each year a friend and I have a huge baking day. We make enough baked goods to cover a lot of gifts and it cuts down on the cost and labor to do it with someone else. Plus, you get to sample EVERYTHING!! Last year we made 12 different recipes in one day (and I was 8 months pregnant!!). It really is fun!!

  5. As usual, we'll be doing the kid-made gifts. Remember our Lillie Hand Print Christmas ornaments? Those were so easy and so cute with a tiny hand or foot! I made some of my own dough but also bought some of that Crayola stuff and that was SO easy to work with (and it will probably be around for a bajillion years:)). This year the kids have been busy since late summer painting ornaments and picture frames. :) Sometimes I give homemade gifts with cookies or other treats and sometimes with a gift card or something when we can afford it...

  6. SAM! I was all excited when I saw this...

    Too funny...
