Friday, September 28, 2007

One Month

Sofie Claire, you have officially completed one month of life. There have been so many times this month that I've thought, "I need to write a blog about that!" but I haven't had time to keep up with my thoughts as well as I intended to. I'm a little bit sad about that.

This has been an incredible month for us...possibly the most difficult month of your life, full of experiences and visitors, lots of trials and lots of errors. When I think back to those first few days I can't believe how much you've already changed. I don't even know where to begin!

In the beginning you nursed constantly and lazily. It was common for it to take an entire hour to complete a nursing session, and you'd be ready to eat again half an hour later. I had a hard time keeping up, both physically and emotionally. It's quite an adjustment getting used to having a warm body attached to you twenty-four hours a day, and I was constantly commenting on how hot I felt, and how sweaty and gross I was. I've never enjoyed a shower as much as I have this past month! You didn't sleep well, not surprising, most newborns don't. I was happy to get a four hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep, and even then you wouldn't sleep at all unless you were physically contacting one of us, and that meant that any sleep I did get was only half sleep, since I was constantly aware of you. I didn't really know you, Sofie, we had only just met, and it was fun and exciting to finally be introduced to you, to learn your facial expressions, discover your routine and to fall in love with you in a new sort of way, this parent type love that I'd never experienced before. What a rollercoaster! More than once I found myself sobbing uncontrollably, and it felt so good to just let go. It was one of those amazing things your hormones does for you in those early days to help you digest the shock of being someone's mama.

Now, Sofie, you don't seem like a newborn anymore. One day I was giving you a bath and I couldn't believe how big you seemed. At your four week appointment you weighed 9 lbs. 9 ounces, an entire pound more than you did when we brought you home from the hospital, and were 22 inches long. You are growing like a weed, and you are strong. You hold your head up and look around, you kick your legs and wave your arms, and the pediatrician called you, "chatty." Oh boy! You give us the most adorable smiles, but you are discriminating, you wouldn't want us to think that we are too entertaining now would you? We know your facial expressions and your cry, and we're getting used to this whole parent thing. You're getting easier to handle. You nurse less frequently, and you sleep on your own now. The past two nights you've spoiled us completely by sleeping 6 hour stretches before I woke you up because I needed to nurse! You won't even sleep snuggled up on my chest anymore when I want you to, and that is what I'm learning, Sofe, that this parenting business is bittersweet. I'm thrilled with every new skill you develop and I'm so excited to see you grow and learn and become the little person that you will be, but with every milestone there is this sorrow like I am mourning the loss of who you were, that sweet tiny newborn snuggled up for a mid-morning nap is gone now, and I will only visit her in my memories.

No matter what Sofe, I will love you. I will always love you.

Photo Overload!

Wide awake!
One of our first glimpses of a sleepy, contented smile.

Sofie's favorite place to hang, bless the swing!

Concentration...check out that tongue action.


And here are Sofie's 10-day portraits...better late than never!

I used to hold her like this when I burped her, and she would fall asleep and her arms would dangle listlessly, her head would flop over, and her chub chub cheeks were overwhelmingly cute. Not quite what I was going for here...but it will help me remember!

Ben's favorite.
And believe it or not, this one is my favorite!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Places I've Nursed Sofie:

The hospital
The JC Penney portrait studio
The mall
A picnic
Macaroni Grill
The library

Places I intend to nurse Sofie in the near future:

The Johnny Appleseed Festival
Grannie Gracie's
The zoo
The Wayne County Fair

Nursing has been difficult for us, and I'd be lying if I said that I haven't considered quitting more than once. When I think back to those first days, though, we've made so much progress. It's starting to feel much more natural, and I'm getting used to constantly having a little critter attached at the nip. It almost doesn't hurt at all anymore, and Sofie is starting to seem much more satisfied than she did in those early early days. Now I just have to tackle pumping!

If you're feeling picture-starved, hang in there. I wasn't too impressed with the pictures our digital camera was taking so I went back to using the 35 mm. I need to take it in and get some film developed. We also have some 10 day portraits coming back from Penney's on the 21st that I'll scan in!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Body Image

It's been a little over two weeks since Sofie arrived and my body is no closer to being my own than it was when I griped about it at 31 weeks pregnant.

My boobs are swollen and almost always lopsided, my belly is more jiggly than it has ever been, my belly button seems stretched and cavernous and none of my old clothes (heck, even some of my early maternity clothes) fit yet.

Somehow, although I'm not pleased with my body's current state and I will be happy to shed the rest of the baby weight (-24/49!), I have a new respect for my body and in ways it is more beautiful to me now than it has ever been before. This body grew a perfect little being from nothingness to something grand. It is completely responsible for nourishing her every day. Its extra cushioning is just right for her littleness to snuggle down into and fall asleep so peacefully. There is just something so wonderful about a mother's body!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

So Cute

Sofie's first pediatrician appointment was Tuesday morning and I forgot to put the memory card back in the camera (whoops!). She's doing super and weighed in at 8 pounds 9 ounces; 1 ounce heavier than her discharge weight. She also measured in at 21 inches. I'm sure she didn't actually grow an inch; I think they just did a better job of taking an accurate measurement at the doctor appointment. Anyway, since I don't have any pediatrician pictures for you, here are a couple of irresistably cute ones in their place!

Also, I finished my labor story, but for some reason it got published before some of these more recent posts, probably because I started writing it so long ago! If you're interested in reading it, it is in the August posts, titled Labor.

Monday, September 3, 2007

We Miss Auntie Heidi!

Sofie's honorary Auntie Heidi was here helping out for the weekend. We had loads of fun, and here's how Sofie feels about Heidi leaving today:

Thank you Auntie Heidi for the baths, the snuggles, and for singing me to sleep. Thank you for taking me on my first trip to the mall and for helping my mama with chores. Most of all thanks for loving me...we love you too!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Our Little Sweetpea

We are home and doing great, but things, as I'm sure you can imagine, are crazy around here! There are so many things that I want to write about, to preserve the memories that are already seeming to fade so fast. I have several posts half begun and waiting in the wings, and even if they seem out of order, I'll be sure to post them as I finish them up. Until then, here are some pictures to keep you satiated.
We are madly in love with this little worm!

Leaving the hospital in her worm outfit (can you see it peeking through the straps?) This was the first outfit we bought for Sofie, before we knew she was a little girl and she was still just our little worm!

Papa loves his little girl!

Snuggle bug.

Grandpa hair!

The calm after the bath.

Fresh, clean, and all dolled up.

Sweet baby Sofie!