Saturday, November 24, 2007

For Sentimentality's Sake

This morning as I was clearing Sofie's closet and dresser of the clothes that she's already outgrown in her short little life, I realized that she had never worn one very special sleeper. It's a sleeper that was worn by her Aunt Janna, her Daddy, and her Uncle Kyle, and more recently by her cousins Lillian and Clayton. Now, I am a sucker for traditions, and because I would like to continue that tradition, and hopefully pass the sleeper along to future generations, I decided to see if it would still fit. Thank goodness I found it today! I'm pretty sure another week or so and it would have been outgrown as well.

...and just in case you can't tell how much our worm has grown, here is a shameless display of her tubby belly and her thunder thighs!

We love you twinkle toes...


  1. She has grown so much! Thunder thighs are so much fun to squeeze (at least baby thunder thighs are fun to squeeze. I don't know about adults)!!

  2. Her belly is adorable!!! And her lips crack me up, too. Hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving!!

  3. Aww!! She is getting so big!! Love the belly!!
