Thursday, August 9, 2007


2.5 centimeters, 70% effaced, baby is at a -2 station, and the midwife said, "I can feel a big bag of water. I'm not going to poke too hard or I'll pop it!" I'm also officially done working until October 15th. My midwife gave me a note stating that my "maternity leave" should begin immediately due to my swollen whale feet. Let's hope I don't have too long to sit at home with nothing to do but anxiously wait...wait...wait!


  1. Did you read the books I loaned you yet?

  2. Also-a friendly reminder to call Heidi before the baby is born, even if its just on the way to the hospital...I'm really excited to come up and see you next weekend!!

  3. We're soooooo excited! I've practically been carrying my phone in my hand for the last couple days waiting for your call! I'm glad to hear that you are finished working, but I certainly know what it's like to be off too early and wait and wait and wait. I was off for about a month waiting for Lillian. My best advice, make and freeze some meals (let me know if you need ideas) and FLOAT in that pool as much as your skin can handle it! ;)

  4. YAY!! I'm so excited that Sofie is going to make her appearance soon!! That's also very exciting that you are done working until October!! Enjoy your time off and prop up your swollen whale feet!! (Oh and yes, please, update Heidi as much as you can - she's supposed to keep me posted!! ;o)
