Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Less than a week from our due date and my emotions have been all over the place. I'm excited, nervous, anxious... Mostly I've been thinking about how different it will be to have another little critter around all the time as a part of our family (Holy cow, we're really going to be a "family!") Sometimes at night, when Ben and I routinely enjoy a little snuggle before bed, I look at him and realize that it's not going to be so easy to have time alone together. We've been talking for months about how sweet it will be to have a little baby addition to our snuggle sessions, but it's still bittersweet to think about losing those special moments between just the two of us.

I've been very uncomfortable the past three or four days. I'm not sure if it's the humid weather, being so close to delivery or maybe a little of both. I've been achey and crampy and grumpy...doing my best to coax Sofie out a little early! Today at work they were kind enough to offer to let me leave early, and I gratefully took them up on the offer. I've been lounging, enjoying an uninterrupted nap (maybe the last one I'll get for awhile), and making the most of the unexpected free time to just relax. I really love what I'm doing right now, but it's getting harder and harder to roll out of bed in the morning and get my achey body moving. I keep reminding myself that it won't be much longer now!

We have another OB appointment tomorrow morning, and if there's any interesting news I'll post a short update. Last week they didn't check me, so I don't know if there have been any changes. Sofie was measuring at 38 weeks (she's been pretty much right on target the whole pregnancy) and her heart was still plugging away. Her head is down, and I've had a lot of pressure (even to the point of some sharp pain) where her heavy back is resting on the right side of my belly. I still can't believe that there's a whole perfect little baby hanging out in there. We can't wait to meet you Sofia Claire!


  1. The end goes slow, but in another way it will be here before you know it! I am so excited for you! And, someday before you know it she will actually go to bed at 7 or 8 and sleep till 7 or 8 the next day! Johanna has been doing that since about 3.5 months, but every baby is different. Maybe she'll do it sooner!!! It's great because it allows Brian and I to have that time together back! Let me know if you need anything!

  2. Hang in there Sam! Shortly you will be holding Sofia in your arms! I'll be thinking about the three of you...HI BEN!

  3. When I come up on the 18th I can hold the baby if you need a snuggle *IF I MUST*. If the baby is here then. Which she will be. =)
