Friday, August 24, 2007

The Scoop

Sofie passed her non-stress test with flying colors again today. She was wiggling around like a crazy woman and the heart monitor kept losing her heartbeat, which was a little aggravating, but all in all everything looked great. One of the midwives came in to check the printout and said, "Has anyone said anything to you about stripping your membranes?" Well, I had asked about stripping my membranes or breaking my water as more natural options for starting labor a few weeks ago, but I was told that because my Strep B test had come back positive those would not be options for me. She said, "That's not true, I keep trying to tell everyone!" and offered to do it for me today. Of course, I was all for it. So she went ahead and did it, and while she was at it she let me know that I'm almost four centimeters dilated now, and Sofie has come down to a -1 station. She gave me a few instructions regarding how to spend the rest of the day (mostly resting and some other...ahem...things) and said she's be surprised if I didn't go into labor tonight.

So keep your fingers crossed, maybe Mr. Psychic Lube Stop man was right. I'll be sure to put a short note up before we leave for the hospital!

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