Saturday, May 16, 2009

Stroller Struggles

Good grief would someone just tell me which double stroller is the perfect one for me!!! I have never felt so wishy washy in all my life.


#1 Do I even need a double stroller? I carried Sofie around in a sling for several months after she was born AND as she gets older she wants to sit in her stroller less and less (granted sometimes I need her to and she doesn't have a choice). If I carry Grey around in a sling for four months and Sofie is 27 months old might I be able to switch to a single stroller and a walking kid?

#2 If I do decide to go with a double stroller, should I get one that I can snap an infant seat into? Sure I carried Sofie around in a sling and sort of passed up the infant seat stage, but maybe it won't be so easy to carry one child while chasing the other around :)

#3 Should I buy a tandem stroller or a side-by-side? My gut feeling is that I'd rather have a side-by-side but Ben seems to prefer the tandem option. I don't particularly want to choose who gets to sit in the front and I think that side-by-sides are generally lighter and easier to maneuver(have you tried to push a tandem stroller? It's like pushing around a 40 lb. semi truck. It makes me feel like I need to get a "BEEP BEEP BEEP" signal so I don't run into anyone.) Conversely, options for side-by-side strollers that I'd be able to snap an infant seat into are extremely limited, and they are more difficult to fit through cramped aisles (but let's face it, how much actual shopping is going to happen with two small children anyway?!)

#4 Should I wait and make these decisions after the baby is born, when I can maybe gauge what I need better, or should I buy something now while I have more time to scour for a good deal?

#5 Maybe I'll get a used tandem stroller for the first few months, then sell it and buy a side-by-side?!

#6 Anyone have any experience with any of the following (which seem to be coming out at the top of my list so far...)

Tandem Strollers: Graco Quattro Tour Duo or the less solid but also 100 bucks cheaper Graco Duoglider

Side-by-sides: Maclaren Twin Triumph or Techno or Peg Perego Aria Twin 60/40 (which accomodates an infant seat)

If you have any opinions about any of this rambling, please please please weigh in!

(and I think I've grown far too dependent on parentheses lately...)


  1. Wow- no idea! It sounds like there are pros and cons so whichever you decide will probably be fine. I kind of think you should get a double stroller because I think that you will carry them less when there's 2- if for no other reason that when one is being held, the other will want to be, so it might be easier to just put them both in there. Plus, if you do end up letting Sofie walk or carrying Grey, you've got more space to stash all of their junk. I mean, stuff.

  2. Wish I could be more help, but I cannot speak from experience. I will say that my sisters kids are about the same age separation as yours will be and she did get a double, but mostly used it for walks. I really bet you could get away with waiting and getting one after the baby is born and you see what will work for you. My sis originally got a tandom, but she thought it was a pain and whoever was in the back would pull the hair of the one in the front and complain the whole time. She loves her side-by-side. I'll ask her what it is. I don't know what you have for your single stroller, but we got a peg perego (Sp?) and I will say that I think it is worth every penny. I have used it to death and it still looks brand new. I know someone who got one for their first and is still using it for their fifth! Good brand. This is long so I will shut up now!

  3. Rob didn't understand why I insisted we needed a double stroller. He's now changed his tune. I got one second hand that our baby carrier snaps into. Elliott Richard rides in whether he wants to or not. And I could not survive at most places without it. So for me at least, it's an absolute must. Oh and mine is the style where Elliott Richard sits in the front and Emmett John is behind him. They both have snack trays with cup holders, which is where the carrier snapped onto. And there is a big basket underneath for all my stuff. :) I love it.
