Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Worm's Spot 16 weeks

It's not the best picture quality, but it gives you an idea of what the belly is looking like at 16 weeks; kind of lumpy if you ask me! Since I'm up to about 12 pounds now, I'd say it's definitely growing. This past week or so has brought the advent of people who know there's a worm in there commenting that they're starting to notice "the belly." My clothes are definitely not fitting well. Most are out of commission at this point and the ones that I'm trying to squeeze into are very unhappy about buttoning.

I've been feeling pretty well. I'm still very tired, but when I think back to how I was feeling those first three months it's so negligible that it's almost not worth mentioning. Worm is squirming more regularly and I really like having a little reminder of worm's presence everyday! I've taken to interpreting worm's opinions based on the movement, especially when Ben and I talk about names. (Yes...we've revived that topic!) So far, worm totally sides with me! Of course, I'm probably totally misinterpreting, and worm's really in there going, "You dummies, I'm a girl. Give it up already!" Ben's most ridiculously amusing attempt to date was, "How about William Orm Otto? Then he could be W.Orm!"

Sorry little one, I think you've inherited a nickname for life!


  1. You guys are too funny!! Well, if you did go with Ben's hilarious suggestion, the initials would be WOO! (Go WOO! Yeah, I think I'm turning into my mom. Geesh.) Speaking of Ben, how's the weight loss going? ;o)

    Anyway, your belly looks great and is still WAY smaller than mine... hense the VERY far away, cropped picture that doesn't show a whole lot on my page. ;o) I'm glad you're feeling better!!

    P.S. Babies-R-Us has AWESOME boys stuff... even neutral colors. I'm not opposed to the neutral colors... just wanted to have something a little more girly now that we know that "the blob" is a baby girl!! Any ideas what you're going to do for worm's room yet?

  2. Unfortunately, Amanda will sound more and more like her mother as Brynn grows up! I remember stating that I would not sound like my mom, but.....I did anyway!:)That's just the way it is...
    By the way Sam, your "belly" is adorable, and Ben...lol on the name.

  3. Don't worry about the not writing back....it's a crazy time, I understand. The light is getting so much closer, though!!! I think you should name the baby Lance Oliver Caporali-Otto-LOCO!!!
