Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Apparently all the outdoor play we've been busy with lately (splash pads, wading pools, fountains, playgrounds etc. etc) hasn't convinced Sofie that Ohio ever really kicks over into a summer season. I love these pictures because they're some of the few, recently, that have really caught the hammy essence of the little girl who brightens our life on a daily basis. Enjoy!


  1. Okay, granted I'm not much older than you but that picture of Sofia with the fishie-esq face reminds me so much of pictures of you from our childhood. It's crazy! She looks just like a little Sammers. Absolutely adorable! Can't wait to see Mr. Grey!

  2. Sam, she is just too cute!!! Miss all of you!!!

  3. Not that you need me to tell you, but as I take any chance I can get to complain about it- summer DOES hit Ohio in some parts. UGH.

    Ok there you go =)
