Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Meet Sponge

Well what do you think of that? There is a real live miniature baby bouncing around in my belly! It is only 54 millimeters (a little over 2 inches) long, but it has wee little arms and legs that it's wriggling around all day long. I'm completely flabbergasted!

My due date has been moved up to July 29th, making me 12 weeks pregnant today, which means maybe (oh please!) I'll be feeling less exhausted sometime soon.

We're awaiting Auntie DeAnna's professional ultrasound tech opinion on the whole nubbins business and we are, of course, anxious to hear a definitive answer at our 20 week ultrasound. In the meantime...I'd love to hear some suggestions for little girl names!


  1. AWWW!! That was an awesome idea to record the ultrasound!!

    I've been told several times that when you see 3 little lines in the nubbins area, it's a girl. I couldn't tell by the video though!!

    Hmmm... some of my favorites are Brynn (!), Caitlyn, Jillian and Aubrey. You can use them!! ;o)

    I'm excited to read all of your updates, I can't believe it's already been two years since we had Sofie and Brynn growing in our bellies.

    I probably should have put all of that in a FB message, but oh well.

    Congrats again!! YAY!!

  2. That is incredible! Really, its crazy that its just a teeny little mini baby. And it sounds like you were right about being earlier along like you thought? My favorite girl names are Caitlyn or Katherine (because I love the name Kate...or Cait?) and Leah (although then you've got Leah and Sofia and that is some sell from home jewelry line.)- that was likely going to Cameron's name if he was a girl, and of course, Heidi...

  3. I love the ultrasound video! That is so awesome to see and know how fast they grow! you know by now, my favorite name was Sophia Clare. Other names I like are Addison, Elizabeth, and Maria...oh and Campbell.

  4. Yay! I, too, was completely floored by all the little parts and wiggly-ness of Clay when he was about 7 or 9 weeks!!!

    For names, the tops of our list for girls were: Madeline (we decided it was too common), Grace (for guess who), Evelyn (for Ruth Ann's mom), Ruby, July, Anne, Sage, Sedona, Riley, Vivian (I always wanted a Vivian Vance, but I couldn't go through with it! HA!)... I'm sure I'll think of more...

    Lillian says you should name her Lillian May. :)

    GranDebbie says Kyle.

    Ooh, how about Mackenzie? I actually really like Ruby, now that I think about it.

  5. Sam,
    The U/S looks good from what I can tell. Everything looks like it is developing just fine. I must tell you though, the girl that did your U/S was one of my students!!! I could tell right away by Melissa's voice! So I guess in a way I did your scan! LOL There is just one thing that I haven't heard of before. The whole sex 'nubbin' thing...all babies at this point look the same. The earliest you can ususally guess the sex is at 16 weeks, with a boy being more obvious. But hey, she has a 50/50 shot! Congrats!!!
    ~Auntie DeAnna

  6. Also, this is totally silly, but I love the name Caliope =) I would never name my kid that, of course, but wouldn't Caliope Otto be so cute!! And also, um, did anyone else find it sort of funny that the girl in the video said something about a 40% chance of it being a girl? Because its actually a 50% chance....

  7. LOL... I noticed that too Heidi... and if it was only a 40% chance, that means there's a 60% chance it's a boy!! ;o)

    In that case, Levi is my vote for a boy's name!!

  8. For a boy, since we're throwing that out there, I love the names Jack and James

  9. I thought she meant a 40% chance that her guess is right?

  10. yeah, but, if you're comparing two things, and one is MORE like to be true, then the "chance" has to be 50% or higher.. because if there's only a 40% chance that she's right, then its more likely to be a boy...
