Thursday, August 7, 2008 it Wednesday again?

Oh...whoops...Thursday you say? Bummer!

1. The kid...she is a crazy! Have you noticed the lack of pictures on the blog lately? Yes?! That's because she won't stay still long enough for me to snap one. She has also grown quite fond of shrieking whenever there is something she can't quite figure out how to communicate. Sort of like, "Squeeeee!" I'm in the seat of this cart and you're not looking at "Squeeeeeeeeee!" me and why won't you "Squeeeee!" let me out so I can "Squeeeeeeeeeeee!" push it into the end cap and "Squee!" where's my cookie woman?!!! Let's just say that I've turned into that mom. You know, the one with the really obnoxious child. The one who makes you mumble under your breath, "I am never having children." It's a good thing she's so darned cute!

2. I have finally purchased Sofia's first baby doll. (Cue the fanfare from the heavens!) She is not any of the options that I provided links to and I'm going to be cruel and make you wait and be surprised with Sofie. She is notably simple, but she is sweet and soft, daddy approved and machine washable. I have lovely visions of her being dragged around naked by one arm and I am hopeful that her face will not be tattooed by any curious ink pens. (Did I ever tell you about Ben's stuffed monkey from his childhood? The one whose name is My Poor Monkey? He lives in Sofie's room now with his crusty, smooshed banana grin! Remind me to post a picture.)

3. Sofia has her first official play date tomorrow with a new (boy)friend from a Mom group we attended on Monday. I'm pretty excited to actually get to spend some daytime hours talking to an actual grown-up person!

4. I broke down and bought invitations for Sofie's birthday and a lovely purple glitter pen to fill them in with. Expect yours in the mail soon!

5. I picked up my OAMC book from the library today and it is everything I could ever have hoped for with several meal plans to choose from complete with grocery lists and step-by-step cooking instructions. I'm going to start with a 2-week plan since there are only three weeks left in the month and the recipes are meant for a larger family so we should have plenty of left-overs. I'll be sure to let you know how it all works out (and of course you're invited for dinner!) I made the full bread recipe on Monday and individually wrapped five loaves and froze them all together in a large freezer bag before their second rising. Interestingly, they continued to rise in the freezer and burst out of the bag! I pulled one out today to bake, allowing it to thaw and rise for several hours. It was mighty tasty, but it didn't rise quite as well as the fresh dough did. Next time I'll freeze them in individual bags and see if that makes any difference. Even if it doesn't, the bread is well worth the effort!

6. Lest you think that my life has become nothing but domesticity I'll make a mention that there are some pretty exciting prospects floating around behind the scenes here. I feel sort of funny saying anything, almost like telling someone a birthday wish, so I won't say much more unless something becomes solid. With that said, I'd appreciate all the crossed fingers and pixie dust you can muster!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see the doll! I am sure she will love it! I went to a HUGE toy and clothing resale tonight. I bought Johanna a little cart to push her doll around in. BTW- don't worry, I'm that mom too :) Someday their spunk will serve them very well!
