Saturday, August 9, 2008

Doll Drama

...and the saga continues...

I got a pesky e-mail the morning after I ordered Sofia's baby telling me that the baby that I wanted was no longer available. Unfortunately, after lots of time wasted scouring the Internets for a duplicate, I discovered that the baby I chose has been discontinued. Fortunately she is available in other outfits. Unfortunately I have discovered (or maybe confirmed is a better word) that I am quite stubborn and picky and I am not a fan of any of the other outfit options. Fortunately I started searching for a baby doll months in advance of Sofie's actual birthday and if I'm lucky I might just find the right one with a day or two to spare!

I promise that my next post will not make any mention of baby dolls. In fact, I promise that my next post will be full of pictures (although they might be blurry) and say something even remotely stimulating!


  1. Yay for more pictures! That stinks about her doll!!! HOWEVER, I did see the comment on Janna's page that you made Lillie's dress... (which is amazing to me, it looked super cute!)... could you get the same doll and make her an outfit??? I'm impressed that you're so crafty! My friend Jenn would LOVE you!! ;o)

  2. P.S. I just told Chad about your doll drama... he recommended checking e-bay if you haven't already!!

  3. That is so frustrating! I hope that you can find the doll that you wanted. It is so hard to find a good doll today. Most of them are so creepy looking, poorly made for little ones, or are dressed like hookers.
