Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Body Image

It's been a little over two weeks since Sofie arrived and my body is no closer to being my own than it was when I griped about it at 31 weeks pregnant.

My boobs are swollen and almost always lopsided, my belly is more jiggly than it has ever been, my belly button seems stretched and cavernous and none of my old clothes (heck, even some of my early maternity clothes) fit yet.

Somehow, although I'm not pleased with my body's current state and I will be happy to shed the rest of the baby weight (-24/49!), I have a new respect for my body and in ways it is more beautiful to me now than it has ever been before. This body grew a perfect little being from nothingness to something grand. It is completely responsible for nourishing her every day. Its extra cushioning is just right for her littleness to snuggle down into and fall asleep so peacefully. There is just something so wonderful about a mother's body!


  1. Sam, that's awesome that you've already lost 24lbs!! Your boobs will be normal again too!!

    How are those "whale feet" doing? Mine were bigger for that first week and a half after I had Brynn than they were during my pregnancy!!

    Isn't being a Mommy amazing?

  2. I have a journal entry that I wrote shortly after Johanna was born where I said basically the same thing!! The newfound respect for my still slightly (10 lbs to go) bigger body is amazing! I hang onto the voice of other moms who tell me that sometimes our bodies hang onto the last 10 lbs until right when you stop nursing (kind of like a milk producing insurance policy). So, I am hoping that when I stop nursing it will just magically fall off. Although, I am pretty sure it is still on due to the fair food I have consumed in the past week. Just remember, you nine months pregnant is still smaller than a lot of people!!!
