Saturday, November 8, 2008


Oh how I love the blogger grapevine! We learned about a fun photo contest called the "Fun With Food Photo Contest" hosted by 5 Minutes For Mom over at our friend Brynn's blog. While I'm pretty sure Brynn is going to win with her spaghetti mug and pigtail sprouts we thought we'd give it a shot. I love this picture of Sofie trying to stuff a whole apple into her itty bitty mouth. I'm pretty sure she learned that from me since I am regularly helping myself to a munch on her chub chub cheeks! The grand prize is a $500 grocery gift card and who couldn't use that!


  1. YAY Sofie!! That's a super cute apple picture!!

    I thought that contest was pretty neat, I'm glad you guys entered!! Usually I don't do the contests that I see but this one is totally worth it!!

  2. Too cute. My son eats the whole apple too, core and all. I actually try to core them before he gets his hands on them.
