Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bouncing Bellies!

I apologize for the lack of postage lately, but here is your warning that there will be very few posts until May. This is because the semester is wrapping up, and I'm pretty sure that they're trying to kill us! If anyone feels like having a little fiesta around May 11th or so, (Heidi?!! Kristy??!) I will certainly be on that bandwagon.

I think that Worm has been growing exponentially lately. Just wait until you see the 24 week belly picture! Exponential growth is also the only way I can explain how ridiculously tired I've been. Monday night I went to bed about 7pm and slept like a baby all night. I got up on Tuesday and got ready for the day, but I felt like a giant turd. So I went back to bed and slept until 3:30! What the heck? I've really been dragging all week, and with so much to do it's awful timing. Perhaps this is an early lesson in how to be flexible with plans, something that I'll need at least 100 or so lessons in before I get any good at it...

Today we learned that Worm's movements are strong enough now to cause visible movements on my belly. Watching my belly bounce around makes me giggle uncontrollably, and then the moving stops as if Worm is thinking, "Earthquaaaaake! Take cover!" After awhile it will start up again and the whole cycle repeats. Somehow I'm still having a rough time believing there's actually a little being growing in there. Maybe once things settle down a bit and my attention is less frayed it will start to sink in. Or maybe, they'll hand me a baby at the hospital and I'll say, "Wait a minute...where the heck did that come from?!"

Guess we'll just have to wait and see...

1 comment:

  1. I would love to come up on May 11th! Keep me posted and hang in there
