Friday, June 19, 2009


Sofie's been bursting with sentences lately. Ben and I have found ourselves catching each other's eyes with a shared, "Did she just say that?" expression quite often over the past few days.

Here are some recent doozies...

"I want the other rocket." (Playing with her rocket launching toy outside in the yard.)

"Feet! Daddy's feet! Feet in the water!" (Upon catching her daddy emerging from the shower.)

"I want a burger bite." (Apparently my burger looked more appealing than her chicken nuggets!)

We've also been singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and You Are My Sunshine together quite a bit lately. She knows almost every word to both songs and every time we sing them I get that duet-y feeling that you only get when you're singing along with someone else...gauging their timing, their tone. I have to admit it makes me choke up sometimes. Especially when we get to the, "You'll never know dear..." part. Her little voice combined with her facial expressions and the way she pronounces the words is just too cute to handle. Oh what a sappy mama!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!! Brynn has always been quite the talker but has REALLY been picking up everything we say lately.

    She's also been singing a lot lately too. I love this age!!
