Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's Time... start my diet because:
  • I feel crummy. I've been eating way too much junk food and drinking lots of soda. I haven't been on a regular exercise regimen since before Sofie was born. My body is feeling sluggish and just plain gross. My clothes are starting to feel snug...yuck!
  • I've gained about four or five pounds since I've been home with Sofie. My philosophy is: don't ever let yourself gain more than five pounds. Five pounds takes only a few weeks to reverse, but ten, fifteen, twenty begins to seem like a daunting task.
  • Kyle and DeAnna's wedding is only two weeks away...I don't want to feel frumpy in my dress and I don't want to dislike myself in the pictures. After all, the amazing Rachel Barker is their wedding photographer!

Keep me accountable, oh dear Internet, I'd like to lose 3-4 pounds by the wedding!


  1. Or buy one of those spanx things to suck everything in. Bri bought a cheapy one at Walmart and she said it is AWESOME.

    I'm horrible at dieting but good luck!!
