Friday, September 12, 2008

12.5 Month Stats

Sofie had her 12 month well-baby appointment this morning. Here are her stats:

Weight: 22 lbs. 3 ounces
Height: 2' 5.2"
Head Circumference: 43.7 cm

We waited for a looooooooooooong time in the examining room to see the doctor. We passed the time inspecting things, turning the pages of magazines (sorry about the rips!) and singing songs and nursery rhymes. After a rousing game of patty-cake, Sofie took Baby Nona's hands in her own and helped her play too, just like I have helped Sofie so many times before. What a smart little fart!

On our way out we were stopped by a camera guy who was filming a video to promote the satellite offices of our particular medical center. He thought Sofie was adorable and wanted to know if she could be part of the film. How can you say no to that?! So they filmed her being re-weighed (fully clothed this time), having her temperature taken, and getting her head measured. She was a complete ham for the camera. The video should be up on the website in a month or so...I'll keep you updated!

Rachel e-mailed me a couple of days ago to let us know that our complete photo session is now available. I will be getting a set of proofs, but I am having a really really hard time narrowing down my favorites to purchase enlargements of. If you are interested in checking them all out (there are 113!) send me an e-mail and I will walk you through the instructions on how to view them...but there's a catch! You must agree to kindly report back to me with your opinion on five or so that you loved the most. I would be so eternally grateful for the insight!


  1. How exciting, Sofie's going to be famous!!

  2. Ohhhh! I'd better get Sofie's autograph while I can! That is so fun! I can't wait to see the video!
