Thursday, December 13, 2007


Hello Internet!
I don't have much time to post, but seeing as I have effectively freaked everyone out, I thought I'd take a minute and let you know that all is (tentatively) well at the Otto house. Sofie is doing just fine. Although we're still unsure what caused Sofie's malady, the medical establishment's best guess is that something irritated her stomach. There's some thought that it might be a milk allergy and I've been asked to cut milk from my diet. Do you have any idea how many things have milk in them?!! But of course, my bean is worth the hassle. Thanks for everyone's kind thoughts...we're happy to be home and healthy!


  1. I'm glad things are looking up for you guys. I hope they just continue to improve as time goes on. *hugs*

  2. Great to hear Sam! I had a milk allergy when I was little and had to drink goat's milk...exspensive, but might be worth checking in to.

  3. Whew. Glad to hear everything's ok.

  4. What a relief! So glad to hear that everything is okay.

  5. My first guess was an allergy. Sorry that you're trying the milk thing. The good news is that you can lose a lot of weight. I lost 25 lbs on my no dairy diet - but it's all back now... I wish you were here so we could do it together! I've been thinking about it just for the weight loss. Anyway, it is possible to do it - I did it for about a year. I would also recommend steering clear of things that are very heavy on soy - tofu, soy milk, etc., as it's a high allergen and I've hear that one allergy can mean a low tollerance for high allergens in general. Let me know if you need ideas on what to eat... Rice milk is ok and Rice Dream makes ice cream bars! :) Glad to hear Sofie is doing ok!
