Wednesday, June 13, 2007



More Than You Ever Cared to Know About My Boobs and Why I Hate Them!!

You've been warned.

Those of you who've known me for awhile can attest that in earlier years pregnancy was fascinating to me. When I was in high school I made some abstract pregnant lady sculptures out of clay and bought the coffee table book, "Pregnant Goddesshood" which is filled with portraits of funky pregnant ladies. I always thought that I'd absolutely adore being pregnant, embrace the changes in my body that meant that I was creating a new life and bare my belly with pride.

I was so wrong!

My body image has suffered a horrendous blow through this whole stretching and growing ordeal. I have never had major self esteem issues (sure everyone feels ugly and bloated from time to time, but overall no big problems) until now. These days are complete with loads of negative feelings about my body. Recently, especially, as I have grown out of a lot of the maternity clothes that I have (GROWN OUT OF MATERNITY CLOTHES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!) and I've been shopping for some "professional" clothes to wear for the bloated month and a half that I'll be in clinic before Sofie is born. Who knew shopping for maternity clothes could be so depressing. I am blaming the majority of the disgust that I feel when I envision myself in the mirror trying to make a decision on the lesser of the evil outfit, on my new boobs.

Boobs. In the midst of puberty and beyond, the bane of many youthful girls' existence. I've been fortunate to never really have much of a boob complex either. My boobs were (WERE!) not too small and not too big, pleasantly pink and acceptably perky. Sure, I sometimes envied the girls who could get away with sleeveless and spaghetti strapped shirts and sundresses without worrying about hiding pesky bra straps, but all in all I felt pretty decent about my set. I wish someone had told me, at the beginning of this pregnancy, to spend some quality time appreciating my boobs. I'm quite confident that they will never (NEVER!) be the same again.

These new enormous and misshapen monsters have abandoned their pink perkiness and turned dark and splotchy. They flop and sweat in ways they never knew before and I guarantee they are not pleasant to behold. I'm sure that they're the culprit in my need for increasingly large shirts, and they make tops that would otherwise be pretty darn cute look ridiculous. I'm also quite sure that added boob weight makes me appear much more swollen and whale-like than I otherwise would. And...surprise surprise, blimpiness was not so much the look I was hoping to achieve during pregnancy.

I can only imagine the changes these boobs have yet to make. Needless to say, I am NOT looking forward to experiencing them, and further I am quite depressed about the quite real possibility that I may be stuck with these horrendous boobs, or something even worse (GASP!) for the rest of my life.

This body, it is not my own. And, whoever you are out there who sneakily traded me this one... It's been lovely, but could I please have mine back now?! Pretty please?!



  1. Well atleast you liked your boobs before you got pregnant... mine were big before and are even bigger now!! After two kids, I'm getting a reduction!!

    I'm sure Ben's not complaining... Chad sure isn't!! ;o)

  2. First place you usually lose weight is your boobs! Big boobs are the bane of all big boobed women! Do your boobs hang low, do they wobble to and fro...LOL Sorry, I know where of you speak!

  3. HA! I remember when you were all starry eyed about being pregnant and how glow-y you would be. In fact, I remember the deal we had where you physically had the babies and passed them off to me. I'm guessing you may be rethinking that.

  4. Don't worry there's a good chance that they will shrink to smaller than pre-pregnancy when all is said and done. ;) Try your best to enjoy the pregnancy because it really does fly by in a flash at the end. *hugs*

  5. I apologize, but I think this is funny! You and I are opposites on this topic. I always thought that I would never be pregnant and certainly not enjoy it - but I did, really. Maybe not in the last 2 weeks or so, but for the most part I loved it and miss it, now. I have always had a hard time with my weight, but being pregnant I felt beautiful and large in a way that was, finally, so perfect! I hope maybe some of that will rub off on you. My advice is this: enjoy what you've got now! It may get worse: stretch marks? the flab of the post-partum belly? Sorry, really not trying to depress you, but I think part of the reason I got pregnant again so soon was that I had to do SOMETHING with all that extra skin and boobs - why not put another baby in there? HA! But, seriously, your boobs will not be that size forever. Mine are now shrinking since it looks like nursing is really done for us (so sad). But it's been soooo long since I've been in nursing bras, I've got to go buy some new bras that actually fit! Anyway, hang in there... and post some pics so that we can tell you how beautiful you really are! ;)
