Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sofie's Spot 28 Weeks!!

Oh my! Would someone please tell my bottom that it had better let a few pounds settle on it in order to balance the belly?! I'm officially part of the third trimester club and up another three pounds this month bringing my grand total to 28.5. This month I can see the bottom of my belly button, which is very strange. It hasn't popped out yet, but it is slowly becoming more and more shallow. I imagine by my 32 week post it will be a goner! Sofie continues to be a very active little booger and her movements are quite obvious now. I was really sick at the beginning of the week and I fell asleep spooning Ben. He said he couldn't believe that I could sleep through her constant kicking. He could feel it on his back! I had the dreaded glucose test at my appointment on Friday and it really wasn't so bad. I haven't heard the test results yet, but I'll just assume that no news is a good thing! My appointments are now scheduled for every two weeks until I hit 36 weeks at which point they will be weekly. I can't believe that in a mere 12 weeks we're going to meet this little individual. It seems like the time just keeps flying by.

On May 12th Ben graduated cum laude with two BA's, one in Psychology and one in Philosophy. It was so wonderful to see him finally accomplish such a big goal. He had been really looking forward to graduation for a very long time, and I was so happy to play the role of the proud wife grinning up in the nosebleed seats. Congratulations Pea-Pie! I'm so proud of you!

My clinic placement for next year, the final piece of my education puzzle, has finally been confirmed which is quite a relief! I'll start my first rotation on July 2nd and continue until Sofie decides it's time to greet us or August 17th, whichever comes first. Then I will have time off until October 15th at which time I will return three days a week until December when I will resume full-time status. It's going to be a crazy busy year, but it's also going to allow me to graduate on time with the rest of my class, and that means that Ben can pursue graduate studies next year if he chooses to, rather than waiting for two full years to continue. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I'm very excited about the placement. When I discovered I was pregnant I was convinced that I had spoiled my opportunity to go to this particular site. I'm thrilled that I was wrong and so grateful that they've been willing to work with me. I think it will be an excellent opportunity for me to learn so much, and will hopefully open some doors for me somewhere down the road. But I'm also very sad to be leaving Sofie at such a young age and working so many extra hours during a time when she is growing and changing so fast. It's a bittersweet decision and one that I hope I won't regret in the future.

I had a wonderful weekend catching up with some old friends. There's something about old friends that just can't be recreated with new ones. I had a great time reminiscing and it's always fun to hear about struggles and successes and realize just how far we've really come...how much we've grown up. I just can't believe I'm grown enough to be somebody's mama!

Ben has two interviews scheduled for tomorrow. Everyone please keep your fingers collectively crossed! One of the jobs would be an excellent place for him and would give him some great experience to put on his grad school applications. I'm afraid to get too excited about it. What are the chances of someone getting the first job that they interview for?!? But a girl can hope, right? If we can get all our ducks in a row we'd like to move before the end of June. Regardless of whether we're moving or staying put, we will be losing our internet service temporarily sometime in the next couple of weeks. I still have access to plenty of computers at the University, but if my posts are few and far between you'll understand why...

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it's 3rd trimester time already!!! It's crazy and we're all so excited to meet Sophie and Lillie and Clay's new playmate! ;) I didn't realize you are starting your externship before Sophie's arrival. I think that while it will be exhausting, it will probably be easier in the end of your pregnancy than with Sophie here, in a lot of ways. It's so exciting that you'll be finished earlier than expected, too! I know you'll just do great with the breastfeeding and pumping once you return to work... and 3 days a week is a great schedule! That's pretty much what I did with tutoring when Clayton was about the same age! Anyway, we can't wait to see you guys! I need to call you and see what your thought are on us coming to visit?
