Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Of Nothing in Particular

So, guess what I did today...

I took my last final for my last semester class EVER!

Sure I still have one five week summer course, and I have to finish my research project and pass my written and oral comps, and then there's that whole year of externing...

...but somehow, this feels like a huge bittersweet milestone. I'm almost done folks!!!

In completely unrelated news, I went for an echocardiogram yesterday (before you freak out, it's really no big deal...I've been having some minor heart palpitations, and they are just being ridiculously and annoyingly thorough ruling out anything major) and the ultrasound tech unexpectedly let me take a little peek at Sofie! It was a very brief and very very unclear peek, but I did manage to surmise that she's looking an awful lot more scrunched these days than she did a month ago, and she was reflexively sucking, so that was kind of fun to see! My little inner cheerleader was going, "Woohoo Sofie! Keep on'll be a champion breastfeeder in no time!" (It's embarrassing what kind of strange maternal thoughts have been creeping into my head lately!)

Ben and I had our first Bradley method class on Monday night, which was very interesting. I think we're going to learn a lot of useful information, and since one of the major tenets is relaxation I think Ben will be giving his fair share of massages these next few months. I've never been so excited to do my 'homework' in my entire life!

Lastly, my cell phone, er...actually a cheap old used replacement, is finally back in working order. After a couple of rather annoying incidents I decided it was time to rejoin the land of the connected. Unfortunately, I lost all of my contacts when my old phone decided to take a dump. So, if you ever want me to call you again, you'll need to give me a call and remind me what your phone number is. If, however, you'd prefer to remain in cell-phone hater mode and just continue to write e-mails instead, that is more than just alright by me!


  1. Where did you find your "new" phone. Mine literally did a melt down over the weekend, and they want $150 to replace it. I think we paid $15 for it.

  2. Mom-somehow Randy got a phone for cheap when he went into replace one that he broke on his own, I will try to find out how he did that. Sam-I am so GLAD for your last exam, that is FANTASTIC. And I will be calling you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Camie-Ben found it on ebay for five bucks. You just have to make sure it's from the same cell phone company that you're currently using or you won't be able to activate it. Good luck!
