Sunday, February 17, 2008

All Clear

Thankfully, my tests came back perfectly normal! It's definitely nice to know I don't need to worry about any major health problems, but I'm still frustrated that I don't have any solid answers... Oh well!

Sofie has a plain old cold. She's sort of miserable, but it's not serious either, so we're counting our blessings around here! She was weighed in at the pediatrician when we took her in on Wednesday and she is a whopping 17 pounds 9 ounces. Enormous, but according to the pediatrician she's right on track.

Uncle Kyle and soon-to-be Aunt Deanna came over for a visit yesterday and Sofie had a cow. You would've thought Kyle was some sort of space alien who came to abduct her. Now you tell me, does this guy look even mildly intimidating?

(Sorry had to know this picture would come back to haunt you at some point, right?!) She spent a few hours giving him dirty looks and screeching every time she caught a glimpse of him. We've entered the stranger anxiety phase...just another milestone I suppose!

Here's a picture from this weekend. I think it's sort of goofy, but Ben seems to think it's cute!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that everything is okay. I felt so bad that Sofie was so terrified of Kyle. She finally warmed up to him by the end of the night. We had a good time with you guys yesterday! I've never seen that picture of Kyle sides hurt from laughing!!! Hope that you have a good week!
