Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ten pounds and ten ounces at six weeks old, and mama has lost 29 of the 49 I gained! The past couple of weeks have been full. I've been running around like a mad-woman trying to prepare myself to head back to work next week. Three weeks ago, the mere thought of returning to work sent me into hysterical crying, but as the time has passed I've begun to feel more ready. There will never be anything more important to me than you, Sofie, and you need to understand that going to work, finishing school, it's something that I have to do for you right now.

You are growing so fast. These days you'll rest your head on my shoulder if you're especially tired, and I just love the way your fuzzy hair feels in the crook of my neck. You are full of grunts and squeals, and now coos are emerging and you are so proud of yourself each time you "talk" to us and we talk back. Your smiles are ridiculously adorable, and we love them so much that we've even identified the face that you make when you're getting ready to give us smiles. You smile with your whole face, with your mouth open and your eyes scrunched and twinkling. Every once in awhile you'll even throw in a wink. Mama loves the winks.

I try so hard to remember you...ingrain your face in my mind. You've been sleeping well in your swing for awhile now, but sometimes in the wee hours of the morning when you wake up to eat I'm sleepy and I fall asleep nursing you. It's always so wonderful to wake up with your little body lying next to me, all sprawled out, queen of the bed. I stare at your face and note the tiny veins on your eyelids and the curve of your little chin. I love every little bit of you, even your crusty morning milk mustache. You've changed my life and brought me so much joy in just six short weeks. I can't even imagine how much you'll continue to affect my life well into the future. What a lucky mama I am!


  1. She looks like you in this picture. and that is AWESOME about the 30 pound weight loss already!

  2. I can't believe how much she's changed already!! She does look a lot like you in this picture - what a cutie!!
