I had another prenatal appointment this morning and the first thing the midwife said to me was, "So, what are we waiting for?" to which I replied, "I don't know...you tell me!" I am still 4 centimeters dilated, very thin (I wasn't given a percentage of effacement this time) and you've come down a bit to a -1 station. The midwife was able to feel the sutures in your skull and determine that you are right occiput anterior, which, while it isn't as ideal as left occiput anterior, certainly isn't posterior which I've been worried about. So...that means that right now your back is on my right side and your head is facing my back and slightly to the left. Your back has been on my left side right up until this appointment, so you're still wiggling around and trying to find the most cozy spot for yourself in the ever increasing crampedness. My membranes were stripped today, and while there is plenty of controversy regarding how effective that is, supposedly if it's going to help us along into labor it should happen within 48 hours of the procedure. Wouldn't that be nice?! We tried it twice with your sister, to no avail, but I'm trying to stay positive. If you decide to hang out for another week I'm scheduled next Wednesday for a NST and an ultrasound to peek in on you and make sure everything is still copacetic.
Guess what kiddo? In the past week I started to question your name for the first time during this whole pregnancy and along with your Daddy, who has had some reservations all along, started trying on some other options. We still haven't made a decision, but we do have one special contender in mind, and who knows...you might end up being one of those kids who gets to say, "My name was supposed to be Grey right up until the last minute and then my parents named me BLANK instead!" Or maybe you'll say, "My parents almost changed my name to BLANK at the last minute, but then when they saw me they knew I was a Grey after all!" It's a little bit strange for me not feeling really solid about a name choice this late in the game, but I'm confident that you'll end up with a name that suits you and I'm sure you'll make it your own in no time.
I am really excited to meet you, check out all your little features, hear your voice, introduce you to your sister...just plain start the process of learning all about you. Please, oh please, (oh please oh please oh please!) don't make us wait too much longer :)
I love the look on your face in this picture- "Get out of there right now!" Probably something you will have to say to a little boy a few times =) You are doing so great, I am so glad that you are doing this the way you want to do it and waiting and getting ready. And I think you will definitely know his name when you look at him. Oooh maybe he'll have a name tag on? "Hello my name is Leon". Wouldn't that be convenient?