Friday, July 24, 2009

Greetings from the Nether Regions

Warning: May contain cringe-worthy information...

I realized that I've been posting lots of little baby progress type blips on facebook and neglecting the blog a bit, so I thought perhaps it was time to transfer some of that information over here.

Two weeks ago (37 weeks, 2 days) I was checked for the first time and declared to be 3 centimeters dilated, 50% effaced, and the baby was at a -3 station. I'm not sure why I agreed to be checked in the first place since I've been reading a LOT and come to the conclusion that there is absolutely no predictive value to these random measurements until you are in active labor. I've questioned several of the midwives about this and the best answer I got was, "It means that when we induce you we can just go ahead and break your water or start you on pitocin and skip the prostoglandin gel since your cervix is already ripe." Last week, at my 38 week appointment, I declined an exam for this reason. Over the past few evenings, though, I've been having hot flashes, lots of prickliness, pressure, and vague period type cramping along with Braxton Hicks contractions, so today when I went in for my 39 week appointment (+2 days) I agreed to be checked again out of curiosity. So, apparently now I am 4 centimeters dilated, 80% effaced, and the baby is at a -2 station. The midwife also commented on my "bulging bag of waters" and suggested that I, "might want to consider some plastic sheets." As she finished the exam she noted that there was some bloody mucus and not to be concerned if I had more discharge throughout the day. And I know...had more bloody discharge all day (EW!) So. I maintain that all of this means absolutely nothing, but what does mean something to me is that I'm perceiving that my body is putting the finishing touches on this kiddo and preparing itself to release him at last. Ben seems to think that I'm just making all this stuff up because I'm so anxious to have this baby. He, on the other hand, is being his pessimistic self and has declared that he's not taking me to the hospital until my water breaks :)

So that's where we are...

And as a bonus thought: I've been having a great deal of fun observing the responses of all the folks who keep asking me when I'm due when I reply "Wednesday!"

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was rather silly that people would ask me when I was due and I would say TODAY or YESTERDAY or a few days ago... and they would look at me with panic! As if the baby would pop out right then and there! HA!
