Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Morning Routine

This morning as she was watching me put on my lipstick/gloss stuff:

Sofie: On my tongue!

Me: No silly! It goes on your lips. You want some?

Sofie: Yeah.

Me: Ok...make your mouth like this (made an O with my lips).

Sofie: (Messed around with her lips, first pulling them in tight against her teeth...)

Me: No, like this...(modeled the O again.)

Sofie: (Finally figured it out, tried to maintain her O and grin at the same time...)

Me: (Smoothed some lipstick on her lips.)

Sofie: (Grinned, then licked her lips) Mmmm!

Me: (Laughed, then moved on to the eyeshadow.)

Sofie: I want shadow!

Me: Ok, close your eyes...

Sofie: (Tried to close her eyes while still watching what's happening, resulting in little squinty eyes.)

Me: (Brushed eyeshadow on her eyelids, careful not to get it in her eyes.)

Sofie: (Pleased, continued to watch then got an idea...) I want Nona shadow!

Me: You want me to put eyeshadow on Baby Nona? I don't know...can you make her close her eyes?

Sofie: (Carefully laid Baby Nona down on her back and double checked that her eyes were shut with her fingers then looked up at me expectantly.)

Me: (Brushed eyeshadow on Baby Nona's eyelids...and now we are all grinning together.)

I remember sitting on the toilet seat carefully observing my mom getting ready, putting on make-up, hot rollers in her hair, spritzing herself with perfume. Such simple memories, but some of my favorite. I'm so tickled to be making these memories with Sofie...and Baby Nona too, of course :)


  1. that just about made me cry!

  2. Too funny, I wish we lived closer (I am now convinced that it won't happen...). Brynn and Sofie sound SO MUCH like each other. Brynn knows where my makeup is and she'll get in there, grab the brushes and completely smoosh them on her face. Sometimes she'll bring me the brushes and want me to put makeup on her and her baby too. "Baby makeup pease" is what she says. :)
