Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sock Monkey

Merry Christmas!

...and a special surprise waiting for a sweet little girl in our kitchen too! (Rumor has it that one of Santa's elves spent several hours putting it together at our house on Christmas Eve. Those elves are just so dedicated to making children's faces light up on Christmas morning!)

Evander enjoyed all the commotion, bows, and wrapping paper, and a special Santa hand-me-down from his big sister...

Sofie seemed to be in shock, but had a merry time opening up all her packages and spent lots of time playing with each one's contents before moving along. Here she is in baby doll heaven...

We let her discover her new kitchen on her own and we were nearly an hour into our festivities when she finally exclaimed, "Wook at dis!" and set to work trying it out. I could swear I saw her peering at it several times before she actually acknowledged it. I wonder what she was thinking :) In this picture you can see she's busy cooking with some makeshift pots and pans. Later she got some real ones in another package, but she was too busy playing to open presents at this point!

Here she is showing her babies how the oven works. What a little mommy!

After everything was finally opened Sofie and Daddy had a fun time exploring some books with Sofie's new Tag reading system.

Here are the requisite pictures of the aftermath!

And...somehow I never seem to get a decent picture of the kids in their Christmas outfits. I don't have a single picture of Sofie in her Christmas dress last year, and this is the best picture I managed this year.

Once we were all "dooded up" we rounded out our day with a visit to Nana and Grandma's house for lunch and more presents and then an evening at Grannie (Great Grannie!) Gracie's house. Absolutely exhausting, but in the best sort of way! It was the most wonderful Christmas I can remember since my own childhood. Can't wait for next year!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Four Months

You are getting so strong. You spend your tummy time locking your little arms firm to push your chest right up off the ground. You grab everything in sight and it all goes straight into your mouth for a nice coating of slobber. You are rolling with ease from your back to your stomach and you've accidentally rolled from your stomach to your back a few times too. When I put you down for a little play time I usually return to find you flipped over and half a circle from where I left you. It will only be a matter of time before you'll be my constant underfoot companion.
You're pretty easy going most of the time and you love to watch what's going on around you. You'll sit in the swing or the Bumbo seat intently watching us go about our daily activities and when I glance up to check on you I'm always greeted with an instantaneous grin. You seem to think Sofie is magical and you are pleased as punch when she takes a moment to goof around with you. She is the lucky recipient of most of your laughter.
You've got me pretty convinced that you'll teeth earlier than Sofie did because you've been coated with drool for the past few weeks and you want everything to go straight to your mouth. Your hands are still the easiest target and you're often gnawing on your thumb, but you will attack my hands, shirt, arms, face, and any toys within reach. You sit on my lap during mealtimes and you get so excited each time I take a bite and the food comes towards you, kicking your legs and leaning in for the kill. We gave you your first taste of cereal this weekend and you were so thrilled to see that spoon finally coming to your mouth. You grabbed for it with both hands and guided it right in...and then you were so monumentally disappointed! Thank goodness there are tastier things in the world than rice cereal :)
Van, when we brought you home and set to work learning how to manage a second child a friend commented that having another baby makes things, "exponentially harder." He was right, but what he failed to mention was that your presence here would make our lives exponentially better too. Your little glowing face has helped us muddle through the rough spots and we look forward to spending each and every day, good or bad, with you.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
O Christmas Tree

I'm not particularly fond of decorating the Christmas tree but one of my favorite things to do every year is pull out all the Christmas ornaments and reminisce. I've been collecting ornaments for awhile now, picking one out each time we visit some place new, and almost every ornament has some sort of story or special significance behind it. I'm really looking forward to the days when I can bore the kids with all my tales :) This year the most poignant ones for me were all Vance family-centric. The small collection we've got going from my niece and nephew, beginning with Lillie's tiny baby hand print from '04. The log cabin ornament Janna gave me on my birthday when we were vacationing in Colorado the year I was pregnant with Sofie, and the one from Mohican Lodge I got last year when we all stayed there for Kyle and DeAnna's wedding. I suppose I'm missing the crew this holiday season more than I had realized. I feel very lucky to be near so much of our extended family and to firmly look forward to the days when we get to reunite with those who are far in miles, but always nearby in our thoughts and memories.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Roly Poly
So far he can only go one way, from his back to his stomach over his right side. He spends a lot of time working on getting himself over his left side but he just can't seem to manage that last little bit, that pulling his arm out from under himself bit, and I can't even express to you how intensely frustrated he is that he can't do it yet. Once he's on his stomach he's not particularly happy about the arrangement since he's not a huge fan of tummy time, but he hasn't even really attempted to roll from his stomach to his back yet. I suppose that's next!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Don't Worry
As a side note, this song has never really been one of my favorites but we recently checked out a children's CD from our library by Elizabeth Mitchell called You Are My Little Bird and this is one of its tracks. I absolutely love the CD. This song, especially when a child's carefree voice sings it, has been such a message to me this week. Here we are entering another crazy holiday season and I know so many people who are deeply worried about so many things. I hope you'll all find a moment to join me as I work towards casting off my worries and embracing life's simple pleasures in their face.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thomas the Train
And here you can see that Evander is already well on his way to becoming a Thomas enthusiast as well...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Three Months

Young man, you are three months old. I had completely forgotten how much three month olds totally ROCK until we somehow blinked a few too many times and found ourselves here at the three month mark. You are happy happy happy and oh so very happy to smile and coo at us whenever we've got a moment to devote to you and actually look you in the eye. Poor second child! As a condolence, though, you think Sofie is absolutely fascinating and you're only too pleased to grin away at her crazy antics. She's equally enthralled with you and reminds us often that you're her brother.
You are starting to enjoy the typical baby games, like So Big and Pat-a-Cake, and the not so typical ones, like practicing your jab on your sister, clapping and dancing around the living room with mom. You're still a huge fan of your toys, especially the bears above your changing table and Mr. Monkey. In fact, I think you talk to them almost as much as you talk to us. You've figured out that you have control over your hands, albeit very jerky control, and sometimes I find you practicing intently, holding your little fist steadily right in front of a bear's face. You are showing preference for your left hand (cool!) and have figured out how to bring both hands together, mainly for the purpose of slobbering all over them. You are still pretty interested in your thumb when you can manage to pop it into your mouth.
You are getting stronger every day and starting to enjoy tummy time for longer periods of time, especially if there's something interesting to look at. When you're on your back you crane your neck around and pull your body up onto your side. I imagine it won't be much longer before you accidentally flop yourself over.
This month I buzzed off your fuzzy little grandpa hairs, and while it was technically your first haircut there are no pictures because Daddy was oddly attached to them and refused to participate! I did, of course, pack away your peach fuzz for memory's sake. I think you look quite handsome without them, and while we're on the topic of looks, don't tell your sister, but I think you're much cuter than she was at your age!
Van Van, lately I've been working on finding a job, and since I'm hoping to be hired somewhere relatively soon we've been trying to get you familiar with a bottle. Despite our early successes you are now absolutely REFUSING that stinkin' thing. If you're in a good mood you'll patiently use your tongue to shove it out of your mouth over and over again until we grow tired of trying and leave you alone. If you're anxious to eat you just scream bloody murder. It's causing me a fair amount of anxiety, imagining how awful it might be to leave you for so long without your comfort, but it's also helping me take the rejection inherent in trying to find work in stride. How can I let anything upset me when someone like you, with your big smiley eyes, wants nothing more than to spend all your moments with me :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
For Grandma Debbie
Mama: Ok, where is Grandma Debbie?
Sofie: Where is Grandma Debbie?
M: Yeah, where is she?
S: Uhhhhh, Ca, ca ca, ca ca, Colorado?
M: Yeah. How did she get there?
S: ...
M: How did she get to Colorado?
S: Up the airplane!
M: That's right! Did we take her to the airport?
S: Grandma, Grammie, Grandma Debbie's all gone up the airplane.
M: Yeah. She flew to Colorado. Did she fly to Colorado to see Lillian and Clayton?
S: Yeah.
M: Do you miss her?
S: Yeah.
M: Wish she would come visit soon?
S: Yeah.
M: Say, "I love you Grandma Debbie."
S: I love you!
M: Bye bye.
S: Bye bye.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Two Months

You've been hard at work on getting your thumb in your mouth and I often find you busily slobbering all over your hand in your futile attempts. Somehow, your hand becomes possessed by the intensity of your quest and it clenches tightly into a fist right around your little thumb. You're not a bit disheartened by it's uncooperative nature and go right on jamming your fist into your mouth and sucking away. You love to stand up and when I make the mistake of trying to sit you down on my lap for a chat you lean your little body forward and flex your legs until I get the right idea. Your little legs are so strong, it's as if you'll be walking in no time!
It's strange to me how different it already feels to be raising a little boy. I'm already torn up by the thought that someday, maybe, you'll love some other woman more than you love me. But for now, my little Moose, I'm the one who cares for you, soothes you, makes your eyes light up. For now, and for many moons to come, I am the one. There is no fortune more great.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Two Years
You are speaking pretty fluently in long sentences. A good majority of your sentences begin with a whiny, "I want..." or, "I wanna..." and lately you're throwing in a whole lot of, "No mom! My turn!" You crack me up regularly with the things you come up with, the tone you use and your assortment of facial expressions, especially the squinty-eyed inquisitive face and the brow-furrowed grimace you shoot my way now and then as if to say, "Mom, what the heck were you thinking?" I can't imagine where you picked that one up :)
You're pretty good at counting and can count from one to ten on a good day, but more often you recite, "One, two, five, six, seven, eight!" You know the A,B,C song quite well, but can only identify letters O and B on sight. I've been trying to work with you on shapes and colors too, but you get quite frustrated with both concepts, so most days we don't end up spending too much time on them.
Your motor skills are coming along nicely. You're becoming a much faster waddly little runner and both of your feet come up off the ground when you jump these days. You enjoy kicking balls around in the yard and I think you're really going to like soccer someday. You're not as interested in throwing and we're working on the whole catching thing too, since most of the time your hands come together a moment after the ball has dropped to the ground. You like to draw circles, you complete puzzles with speed, you enjoy peeling stickers off their backing and decorating the house with them, and you love to fold clothes. You're actually better at folding clothes than some adults I know!
You're quite a girly girl and you absolutely love your baby dolls and insist on bringing at least one with you every place we go. You love trying on shoes and picking out your outfit for the day. You've requested that I put hot rollers in your hair, ask for spray after I give you a hairdo, and you like to sneak into my make-up bag and know exactly how to apply each different part.
You're interested in the potty and all other bathroom behaviors and regularly take your pants and diaper off and run around all willy nilly. You like to "go potty" and will sit, wipe, and wash your hands, but you've never actually made a deposit. We haven't formally begun training because you are notoriously awful at reporting dirty diapers, preferring instead to wear them until they hang to your knees and deny their obvious need to be changed. I have intentions of working on some sort of formal, consistent training this winter when we are cloistered in the house most days. Until then, you're content to pretend.
You're great at pretending. You like making "hamburgers" out of old peanut butter and jelly containers I've rinsed and set out on a shelf for you, or having tea parties with the set the Vance's sent for your birthday. You regularly push your stroller or your shopping cart towards the door as you bid us goodbye. When I ask where you're going you choose from your repertoire of destinations, "I'm goin' uh (Target, the mall, the library, the hospital, Nana's house)."
Sofie-Sof you are working so hard on becoming independent and you've been a little ball of frustrated energy much of the time lately. Most days I'm so overwhelmingly relieved when bedtime rolls around and the house, for the most part, regains a sense of peace again. But Daddy and I start giggling over the funny things you've said and done all day almost immediately after you're tucked in tight and in next to no time we're missing the chaos, the sticky urchin grin, and determined defiance. We are, and always will be, completely enamored with you, our wonderful, terrible, two year old girl.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Mr. Smily
Monday, September 14, 2009
First Bath et. al.
We gave Evander his first "real" (i.e. not sponge) bath on August 19th. He loved relaxing in the warm water until I started to wash him up. He wasn't so sure he liked that at all and it all went downhill from there. For the record he now LOVES every minute of his bath time, although he's still not too keen on that whole getting dressed thing that happens afterwards!

On September 6th we all headed down to Grannie Gracie's house to enjoy the Labor Day holiday and Evander and Will got to meet each other for the very first time.
The last ounce was still resting in the bottle when I got home, since expressed breast milk is pretty much liquid gold and we exercise an extreme reluctance to discard it, and after I spent a minute or two checking out my new hairdo in the bathroom I returned to find Sofie, little mama that she is, doing this...

Thursday, September 10, 2009
One Month

You are enormous. I look at you and wonder how on earth you ever fit inside my belly, how you ever could have made your way out in one piece. Your body is completely different than Sofie's with your lanky arms and long, thin fingers and toes. You inherited my hands and feet and I love them on you. Your fuzzy little noggin is covered with the softest coating of downy hair. I love to rub it while you nurse. You love to eat and you are growing so fast, already in your 3-6 month clothes. I tease that you're a boob man. When you're hungry you shake your little head and then dive in like a fish going after a worm. When you're sleepy you nurse comfortably, sighing and making little crooked half asleep smiles, and when you finally pull away you nuzzle in as if you had a pillow.
When you are calm you are incredibly focused and your body relaxes as you stare contentedly off at the object of your choice as if you are analyzing its complexities. When you are active you grumble and grunt, waggling all your appendages in quick, jerky movements with a frustrated air. You are intense.
Evander, I have a feeling I'll always remember this month as one of the most challenging months of my life and I may never reminisce fondly about the circumstances surrounding it and how they made me feel, but meeting you has filled me with awe. It's hard for me to believe that just one month ago I had never smelled your little head, a scent so uniquely your own even fresh from a bath, or felt your little hands gripping tightly to my shirt, or heard you softly breathing, sighing softly in your sleep. I will always remember this month as the month I met you, and that's more than enough to make it one of the most incredible months of my life.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labor Day
Evander's labor story is FINALLY posted. Scroll down and check it out :)
Monday, August 17, 2009
E is for Evander
Now the only question is...what should we call him?!
Nicknames I'm currently using include: Mister, Boss (because he is), Moose (because he's enormous), Pteradactyl (because he sounds like one when he gets mad), and Grey (we're all using this one accidentally from time to time!)
Nicknames associated with the name Evander include: Van, Vander, Andy, Vandy, and Evan. We're leaning towards Van at the moment, but I'm not completely sold on it. Ben has also suggested just plain E. Sofie's pronounciation, "Vanner" makes me grin :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Here's Daddy checking out his little boy for the first time...