Young man, you are three months old. I had completely forgotten how much three month olds totally ROCK until we somehow blinked a few too many times and found ourselves here at the three month mark. You are happy happy happy and oh so very happy to smile and coo at us whenever we've got a moment to devote to you and actually look you in the eye. Poor second child! As a condolence, though, you think Sofie is absolutely fascinating and you're only too pleased to grin away at her crazy antics. She's equally enthralled with you and reminds us often that you're her brother.
You are starting to enjoy the typical baby games, like So Big and Pat-a-Cake, and the not so typical ones, like practicing your jab on your sister, clapping and dancing around the living room with mom. You're still a huge fan of your toys, especially the bears above your changing table and Mr. Monkey. In fact, I think you talk to them almost as much as you talk to us. You've figured out that you have control over your hands, albeit very jerky control, and sometimes I find you practicing intently, holding your little fist steadily right in front of a bear's face. You are showing preference for your left hand (cool!) and have figured out how to bring both hands together, mainly for the purpose of slobbering all over them. You are still pretty interested in your thumb when you can manage to pop it into your mouth.
You are getting stronger every day and starting to enjoy tummy time for longer periods of time, especially if there's something interesting to look at. When you're on your back you crane your neck around and pull your body up onto your side. I imagine it won't be much longer before you accidentally flop yourself over.
This month I buzzed off your fuzzy little grandpa hairs, and while it was technically your first haircut there are no pictures because Daddy was oddly attached to them and refused to participate! I did, of course, pack away your peach fuzz for memory's sake. I think you look quite handsome without them, and while we're on the topic of looks, don't tell your sister, but I think you're much cuter than she was at your age!
Van Van, lately I've been working on finding a job, and since I'm hoping to be hired somewhere relatively soon we've been trying to get you familiar with a bottle. Despite our early successes you are now absolutely REFUSING that stinkin' thing. If you're in a good mood you'll patiently use your tongue to shove it out of your mouth over and over again until we grow tired of trying and leave you alone. If you're anxious to eat you just scream bloody murder. It's causing me a fair amount of anxiety, imagining how awful it might be to leave you for so long without your comfort, but it's also helping me take the rejection inherent in trying to find work in stride. How can I let anything upset me when someone like you, with your big smiley eyes, wants nothing more than to spend all your moments with me :)
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