Oh Sofie...you are stubborn already! Today after my prenatal appointment I popped in at Don Drumm to use the last of a gift certificate while I was in town. The sales associate asked when I was due. I told her, "Today! but she's not coming out...she's already stubborn!" She laughed and said, "It's good for a girl to have a bit of a stubborn streak!" I hadn't really thought of it that way, but I guess she was right. It'll be nice to have a spunky little girl and little miss, you come from a long line of spunky girls...so I suppose it was unavoidable!
According to my bathroom scale this morning I'm hanging in there around plus 44 pounds. The scale at the OB says it's a couple more than that...but we'll stick with mine, since mine will be the one measuring the pounds coming back off. I haven't had any progress since my last appointment 5 days ago, and they've started to talk to me about inducing you...ack! Since I'm violently opposed to pitocin, we instead scheduled another appointment in a week. If we make it to that appointment they will monitor you (ultrasound and non-stress test) and make sure you're still ok to hang out a little while longer. Let's hope we don't make it to that appointment!
I'm trying to stay occupied and not think too much about how much it stinks to be waiting waiting waiting for you. The house is clean, there are casseroles in the freezer, all my loose ends have been tied up tight. I went to the library and checked out a few books yesterday, and today...I've been thinking it would be awfully nice to treat myself to a pedicure. My feet have been ridiculously neglected since I stopped being able to reach them awhile back. The toenails have terribly chipped polish, and my poor feet are rough and peely and although they are 200% less swollen than they were just a week ago, they are still yuck! We can't really afford splurges like pedicures right now, but sometimes you just have to find a way to pamper yourself...am I right girls?
I've been daydreaming a lot lately about all the things I'm going to eat once the kid is no longer connected to the bloodstream. Here's the list so far...
A good glass of red wine
Dark chocolates
Stinky cheese
Warm scones with cool clotted cream
Now...I'm not suggesting that any Sofie visitors are obligated to bring us anything, but if you show up at our house with one of those things in your hands, you will certainly be greeted with a very warm smile!
Go get a pedicure...it'll be totally worth it. I bet they will feel bad for you and give you an extra nice massage. I mean, if you have to be pregnant and 44 pounds heavier, milk it while you can. And I can definitely bring the dark chocolate.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Heidi! Milk the pregnancy thing for all it's worth. You don't have much longer to do so! Plus, you have to play up the whole "I'm late" thing. You might get a major discount!
ReplyDeleteYou totally need to go get a pedicure AND make sure that they do the salt or sugar scrub on your legs, it makes it soooo much better!! OH and I've been told that you can also have an occasional glass of red wine (a SMALL one) throughout your pregnancy - have one tonight and maybe it will relax you enough so that you'll go into labor!!
ReplyDeleteGo get the pedicure and DRINK SOME WINE! Like Amanda said, it might relax you enough to go in to labor. Hang in there,it won't be too long!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Heidi because the relaxation effects may make it too difficult for Sophie to stay put. ;) lol
ReplyDeleteYou know, there is supposed to be a pressure point that will induce labor. Somewhere around your heal? It didn't work for me - but my girls said she didn't really know what to do, but that she'd rub my heals/achilles tendons extra good. ;p
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for our phone to ring!