Mom and Grams met me at my appointment today and sat in on my ultrasound and non-stress test. Everything came back swell, and Sofie is still hanging out quite contentedly. The ultrasound was a little bit disappointing because she is so smooshed up in there now that you really can't see much of anything. We did catch a quick glimpse of her chubby cheeks (and man are they ever chubby!) and she was sucking away on the back of her right hand. The ultrasound lady said, "You'll have to check her hand after she's born and see if she's got a sucker mark!" Apparently she's got a lot of hair, which I can't seem to digest...I really thought this kiddo was going to be a baldy like Ben and I were, and they estimated her weight to be 8 pounds 2 ounces.
I really haven't made much more progress this week...dilated about 3, effaced about 70%, and still at a -2 station. They're setting me up to be induced either on Monday or Tuesday next week. Hopefully I won't have to keep that appointment! This Friday I have another non-stress test, just to keep an eye on her in the meantime. Heck, hopefully I won't make it to that appointment either!
I was just looking over some info today that stated that the average gestation period is 41 weeks and 1 day. So, you are not alone! So far, she is still just being normal!! I remember that it doesn't feel that way though! I will pray that you go into labor before your induction date. You should try some coccia house pizza. I swear that helped me! I was saving castor oil as a last resort (the day before an induction). I've heard it works, but it can be UGLY!!!! Did you instructor suggest anything?
ReplyDeleteNo!! She needs to be born before that. I don't want to wait another weekend to see you and feel bad that I can't be a good friend and come up before and after she is born!! Ok, but since I guess its not "technically" about me- you just tell me when you want me to come. I will be more accommodating to your time requests than Sofie=)
ReplyDeleteGrammy used castor oil to vacate my mom before Grandpa was shipped out. I guess it worked for her. You may want to ask her what it was like before you go that route though. ;) I'm surprised the OB is letting you go 2 wks overdue, that's pretty unheard of these days. Most OBs don't like mommies-to-be to go a full week over. Here's hoping you don't see that NST Friday! Gotta go, I'm missing the newest Twitter trick: kisses on the cheek! Babies Rule! :)