My "photographer" with his wacky sense of humor suggested that I post this one too. The pair of us are about the most unamused photographer/subject you'll find. I basically stand around like a bump on a log while he randomly snaps pictures with no concern for composition. So we get a lot of mid-sentence treasures like this one... Sort of looks like I'm having a contraction or something doesn't it :)

I am officially 31 weeks pregnant today. I am hovering close to +38 pounds and I was really feeling like a heifer until I went back through the archives and read that I had gained about 38.5 pounds at 32 weeks pregnant with Sofie. So, although I still feel like a heifer and my 50 pound weight-gain with Sofie is certainly not something to be striving towards, at least I'm not any heavier than I was the first time around! My body has a strange way of distributing the weight and I can only explain it by saying that I'm pretty sure my bottom half hasn't yet received the memo that I'm pregnant. This past week I was shopping for an outfit to wear for some portraits we're going to have taken soon and I bought a size medium pants but needed an XL top. Go figure...
I've been feeling pretty good these past few weeks after enduring a pretty miserable second trimester and I'm hoping that the rest of this pregnancy continues on the upswing. I know that the second trimester is supposed to be when most women feel their best, but maybe I'll get lucky and feel best in my third. So far, at least, it's been much better. In my dream world, I'd go into labor naturally two weeks before my due date (that would be a whole month less of pregnancy for me!) I suppose it's more realistic for me to assume I'll be induced 2 weeks late once again, but a girl can hope right?
A couple of weeks ago we had another ultrasound done to check on the location of my placenta. As expected it has moved up and out of the way and Mr. Grey was in perfect position for birth, head down and facing my back, so there's no good reason that I shouldn't go into labor on my own this time. We have a couple of pictures from that appointment that I'll get around to scanning in eventually, but they're not really that great. I guess it's hard to take a picture of a kid who's upside down and not looking at you :) Grey moved and jiggled and stretched out his wee legs during the ultrasound and generally made the tech work hard to get all the information she was looking for during the scan. What can I say? I make wiggly babies! This go around I've been able to really feel a lot of the finer motor movements like little arms, hands and feet pressing taut against my belly. When I was pregnant with Sofie I was confused when other pregnant women would comment indicating that they knew where their baby's bum or feet or arms were resting in their abdomen. I could really only feel gross motor type movements and hiccups with her. I have no idea why it's been different this time around.
We've been reading a lot of There's a New Baby at Your House books to Sofie lately and I would love to know what she thinks of all this pregnancy stuff. She's taken to blowing raspberries on my belly which she, of course, thinks is hilariously funny. A couple of our friends have had newborns in the recent weeks and we were able to visit one to share a meal last week. Sofie was, as always, fascinated with the baby. She couldn't get close enough and kept asking for, "My baby!" I think she thought it was like some really fancy baby doll. If you've seen her handle her baby dolls that thought is just a little frightening! I'm glad that she's so interested in babies, but hopefully the novelty will wear off relatively quickly. I can't imagine it would be very fun trying to lovingly fend off an overly doting big sister 24 hours a day long-term!
Ben has (mostly) agreed that we can name the baby just plain Grey if we use the EY spelling. I'm not really clear on why exactly that makes a difference, but I'm happy with the outcome so I'm not questioning it!
We're pretty much ready for this little guy to make his appearance. We've been steadily checking off needed items from our list and have been so fortunate to receive many wonderful hand-me-down items. I've been diligently washing and organizing baby clothes as we receive them and Sofie and Grey's room has been rearranged to accommodate them both. We really only need to collect a few stored baby items from Nana's basement (baby swing, tub, misc.) and put the co-sleeper back together. As far as I'm concerned those are things that can be done while I'm at the hospital! So kiddo...spend a few more weeks fattening yourself up in there and then come on out and join us. We're ready!
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