#1 Sofie has been doing mostly fantastic in her big girl bed. She lays down every night and nods right off to dreamland. Naptime is a little bit more challenging, but I'd say she still goes right to sleep about 75% of the time. About 15% of the time she grumps and complains about her obviously unfair station in life, but when I peek my head in to check on her she is still sitting securely in her bed with a Garbage Pail Kid-ish look on her face and eventually she does drift off to sleep. The other 10% of the time she lays down quietly and fools me into believing that she has every intention of falling asleep, while in reality she is just waiting until I shut the door to secretly have her way with her bedroom. She has done this probably three times, and each time she uses her time to silently pull all her diapers out of their basket, relieve her dresser drawer of her clothes, and quietly try on every pair of shoes that she owns. She is so stealthy that I usually don't have any idea that anything is awry until she grows tired of playing independently and begins calling for me. Today was one of these days. Today, however, was just a smidge different than my previous experiences with her mayhem. Typically, I open the door to a huge mess. A big pile of clothes and shoes and diapers strewn across the floor. Usually I grumpily clean it up, enlisting her help, while chiding her for making the mess instead of napping as she is expected to. Today, I suspect, she was either trying very hard to please me or else sneakily trying to cover her tracks entirely since instead of a giant mess on the floor I found this:

In case the picture isn't entirely obvious to you, that is Sofie's dresser drawer pulled halfway open with all her clothes stuffed precariously back into it after they've obviously been removed and strewn about. I laughed until I cried...the little rascal!
#2 Sofie is obsessed with the letter E. She's convinced herself that every letter in her ABC books is an E, and she frequently requests that we draw E's for her. Her other favorite illustrative requests include balls and tracings of hands. So, today when we were playing with her Doodle Pro I wasn't surprised when she requested that I draw E's and balls. After I'd drawn two of each on the board she stuck out her stubby little finger and, pointing at each E said, "1, 2, E!" grinned up at me and continued, "1, 2, ball!" "What a smart girl!" I encouraged her while thinking to myself, "Oh my gosh! My child is a counting genius!" That thought lasted roughly three seconds and then she requested that I draw one more ball and proudly, jabbing her finger at all three balls, declared, "1, 2, ball!"
Hope all of you mamas out there enjoyed your Mother's Day and that your little imps make you grin as frequently as ours does!
I read that first story to my mom this morning and we were cracking up. Happy Mother's Day, to a great mom!