Wormy McGee, you are eight months old, and this month you seem like such a little grown-up to me. Something about your demeanor this month has just really made it sink in that you are not a wee baby anymore. Instead you are a wee little girl with such a personality and opinions, good grief do you ever have opinions!
This month you're a Bug, as I've finally found a class that is convenient for working mamas on Wednesday nights at The Little Gym. You, and your other Bug friends, have a good ol' time playing with parachutes, balls, bubbles, hula-hoops, bells and much much more. You love seeing the other babies, and everyone seems to think that you are quite sociable and happy. They're right Beans. You are such a fun kiddo to be around!
You are still not quite crawling, but I'm absolutely certain that you will be by this time next month. You do it occasionally, by accident, when you're going after something, but you haven't figured out how to do it volitionally yet. You are pulling yourself up on everything now though, and you continue to be quite proud of yourself each time you pull off a new trick.
You are not much of a food critic and seem to enjoy most everything that lands in your mouth. Doubly so if it came off of one of our plates. I can almost see you thinking..."Ooh! Grown-up food. What a big girl I am!" This month you tried lemons, french fries with vinegar, and pickles. All with little to no reaction. You also figured out how to use a straw. Mama's chocolate milkshake was good motivation for that one!
You use your voice constantly, and "mama" has finally slipped out of your mouth a few times this month. You say something that sounds like, "Hi!" (Hah! Hah! Hah!) quite often, and you thinks it's fantastic when we say "Hi!" right back. I've also noticed what I think is your attempt at singing. You have a consistent, monotone, vowel-like croon that often coincides with music playing or with me singing to you. I can't say much for your range, my dear, but it tickles me pink to hear you use your voice musically.
As I come to the end of the schooling that is taking me so often away from you, I am considering all of the fun things we'll soon have time to do together. I just can't wait to be able to spend more time with you in the summer sunshine, Worm. We'll be chasing the ducks, swimming like fishies, and jogging down the towpath trail in no time. Just you wait and see...!
This month you're a Bug, as I've finally found a class that is convenient for working mamas on Wednesday nights at The Little Gym. You, and your other Bug friends, have a good ol' time playing with parachutes, balls, bubbles, hula-hoops, bells and much much more. You love seeing the other babies, and everyone seems to think that you are quite sociable and happy. They're right Beans. You are such a fun kiddo to be around!
You are still not quite crawling, but I'm absolutely certain that you will be by this time next month. You do it occasionally, by accident, when you're going after something, but you haven't figured out how to do it volitionally yet. You are pulling yourself up on everything now though, and you continue to be quite proud of yourself each time you pull off a new trick.
You are not much of a food critic and seem to enjoy most everything that lands in your mouth. Doubly so if it came off of one of our plates. I can almost see you thinking..."Ooh! Grown-up food. What a big girl I am!" This month you tried lemons, french fries with vinegar, and pickles. All with little to no reaction. You also figured out how to use a straw. Mama's chocolate milkshake was good motivation for that one!
You use your voice constantly, and "mama" has finally slipped out of your mouth a few times this month. You say something that sounds like, "Hi!" (Hah! Hah! Hah!) quite often, and you thinks it's fantastic when we say "Hi!" right back. I've also noticed what I think is your attempt at singing. You have a consistent, monotone, vowel-like croon that often coincides with music playing or with me singing to you. I can't say much for your range, my dear, but it tickles me pink to hear you use your voice musically.
As I come to the end of the schooling that is taking me so often away from you, I am considering all of the fun things we'll soon have time to do together. I just can't wait to be able to spend more time with you in the summer sunshine, Worm. We'll be chasing the ducks, swimming like fishies, and jogging down the towpath trail in no time. Just you wait and see...!

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