Sofie-bean, how on earth can you be half a year old already? It's strange to think that last year around this time my belly was beginning to swell, and I spent my time wondering about what kind of little being you would be. Now here you are, beautiful and strong, and I am having so much fun discovering what kind of being you are!
You have matured so much, both mind and body, this month. You are strikingly aware of your world, your routine, and you're beginning to really grasp cause and effect. You're a big fan of peek-a-boo lately. We put a burp cloth on your head and say, "Where's Sofie?" and you pull it down and giggle. You're happy to pull it off of our heads too, over and over and over again. You love the sight of yourself, you little narcissistic Worm, and daddy holds you up to "see the baby" in the mirror above the couch every night. Seeing your own face in the mirror routinely turns your cranky fusses into grins. You'll sit watching and listening intently through an entire book. Amazingly, you seem to smile and get excited in all the appropriate places.
Your gross motor skills are really coming together, and I predict that you'll be crawling by the end of the month. You sit steadily now (except when you get excited and launch yourself backwards) and you're getting really good at pushing yourself up on your hands and knees. You tend to move yourself inchworm style. First you go up on your hands, then faceplant and up on your knees, then back up on your hands and the knees slip out...before long you are five feet behind where you started!
You continue to enjoy music. You sit and watch in awe when "da da da da da" plays guitar for you. One of my favorite things to do with you is to dance around the living room and we do it together quite often. Today your dad turned on a CD in the living room. You were standing in your bouncy seat and I am so convinced that you started dancing. You started rocking and swaying and flapping your arms around; your face was just glowing. It made me feel so darn proud of you. I hope that you'll always feel free and confident enough to dance.
We are gearing up for a few changes around here, now that you're a six month old kiddo, and as a part of those changes we have begun sleep training you. Up until now, you've been nursing yourself to sleep (or falling asleep with a bottle during the day) and often waking up the moment your body hit the bed. I've been trying to prepare myself mentally for months. I really expected to listen to you cry for hours the first time we put you in your bed and left you there to fall asleep on your own. I hate to jinx myself since it's only been a couple of nights now, but the first night we did it you fell asleep in nine minutes. You cried for less than a minute when I put you down for a nap the next day, and tonight you went down for bed without so much as a fuss. I'm pretty convinced that I'm the mama of the best little girl on earth!
It seems like ages ago that we brought you home, tiny and perfect, and I thought I could never be happier than I was in those first weeks. Little girl, there is something sweet and precious about those first few weeks, but watching you grow continues to make me happier and happier. Being your mama is the best job in the world.
You have matured so much, both mind and body, this month. You are strikingly aware of your world, your routine, and you're beginning to really grasp cause and effect. You're a big fan of peek-a-boo lately. We put a burp cloth on your head and say, "Where's Sofie?" and you pull it down and giggle. You're happy to pull it off of our heads too, over and over and over again. You love the sight of yourself, you little narcissistic Worm, and daddy holds you up to "see the baby" in the mirror above the couch every night. Seeing your own face in the mirror routinely turns your cranky fusses into grins. You'll sit watching and listening intently through an entire book. Amazingly, you seem to smile and get excited in all the appropriate places.
Your gross motor skills are really coming together, and I predict that you'll be crawling by the end of the month. You sit steadily now (except when you get excited and launch yourself backwards) and you're getting really good at pushing yourself up on your hands and knees. You tend to move yourself inchworm style. First you go up on your hands, then faceplant and up on your knees, then back up on your hands and the knees slip out...before long you are five feet behind where you started!
You continue to enjoy music. You sit and watch in awe when "da da da da da" plays guitar for you. One of my favorite things to do with you is to dance around the living room and we do it together quite often. Today your dad turned on a CD in the living room. You were standing in your bouncy seat and I am so convinced that you started dancing. You started rocking and swaying and flapping your arms around; your face was just glowing. It made me feel so darn proud of you. I hope that you'll always feel free and confident enough to dance.
We are gearing up for a few changes around here, now that you're a six month old kiddo, and as a part of those changes we have begun sleep training you. Up until now, you've been nursing yourself to sleep (or falling asleep with a bottle during the day) and often waking up the moment your body hit the bed. I've been trying to prepare myself mentally for months. I really expected to listen to you cry for hours the first time we put you in your bed and left you there to fall asleep on your own. I hate to jinx myself since it's only been a couple of nights now, but the first night we did it you fell asleep in nine minutes. You cried for less than a minute when I put you down for a nap the next day, and tonight you went down for bed without so much as a fuss. I'm pretty convinced that I'm the mama of the best little girl on earth!
It seems like ages ago that we brought you home, tiny and perfect, and I thought I could never be happier than I was in those first weeks. Little girl, there is something sweet and precious about those first few weeks, but watching you grow continues to make me happier and happier. Being your mama is the best job in the world.

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