Sofia Claire, you are now seven months old, and this past month has been so much fun. You are such a happy little girl. You are absolutely delighted in yourself and by the big people who share your life with you. You find life hilarious and you laugh frequently, often when you hear someone else laughing, even if it has nothing at all to do with you. This month I've found myself muttering many times, "How did you get so damn cute?"
This month, somehow, your nickname has morphed into Beans. You've had many nicknames in your short life (Worm, Birdy, Mouse, Scrunchy Munchkin). Recently it has been Sofie-beans, and now just Beans. Don't worry though, if you don't like it, I'm sure I'll come up with something new next month!
You are growing like a weed. We were a few weeks late taking you in for your six month well baby check-up, so it turned out to be more like a seven month ordeal. You weighed in at 18 pounds 7 ounces, and 28 inches long!! That's 76th percentile for weight, and 95th for height. When we are out and about and I see other little babies I always ask how old they are. Often, I am shocked to hear that they are several months older than you, because you are almost always bigger. You are definitely a healthy little girl, and your pink chub-chub cheeks have won over many strangers!
You aren't crawling, as I predicted, quite yet, but you're definitely close. You get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth with gusto. You can maneuver yourself from sitting to your belly, and you can easily turn to go after something that's lying beside you. You haven't, however, quite figured out how to coordinate your arm and leg movements, and you still spend most of your time inching backwards.
These past few weeks you've been allowed to taste all sorts of new foods. We are quite entertained by the reactions on your face each time you try something new. It seems to me that you'll never have teeth, though you're giving us some indication that they're moving around in there, because you're always sucking your lips in over top your gums. It makes you have an uncanny likeness to an old woman without her dentures on! Grandma has started to give you a little bit of formula once in awhile when I haven't left quite enough milk for you. It made me pretty sad the first time we had to pull it out, but you did beautifully with it, and you haven't rejected your nursing time at all.
Beans, this "baby" time with you is flying by so fast. I'm so grateful for the quiet moments when I'm able to breathe deep, treasure the peacefulness, snuggle you up in my arms and whisper, "I love you" into your neck. At times I wish those moments could last forever. Then I let my mind wander into the future, and I realize that there are so many many moments yet to come!
This month, somehow, your nickname has morphed into Beans. You've had many nicknames in your short life (Worm, Birdy, Mouse, Scrunchy Munchkin). Recently it has been Sofie-beans, and now just Beans. Don't worry though, if you don't like it, I'm sure I'll come up with something new next month!
You are growing like a weed. We were a few weeks late taking you in for your six month well baby check-up, so it turned out to be more like a seven month ordeal. You weighed in at 18 pounds 7 ounces, and 28 inches long!! That's 76th percentile for weight, and 95th for height. When we are out and about and I see other little babies I always ask how old they are. Often, I am shocked to hear that they are several months older than you, because you are almost always bigger. You are definitely a healthy little girl, and your pink chub-chub cheeks have won over many strangers!
You aren't crawling, as I predicted, quite yet, but you're definitely close. You get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth with gusto. You can maneuver yourself from sitting to your belly, and you can easily turn to go after something that's lying beside you. You haven't, however, quite figured out how to coordinate your arm and leg movements, and you still spend most of your time inching backwards.
These past few weeks you've been allowed to taste all sorts of new foods. We are quite entertained by the reactions on your face each time you try something new. It seems to me that you'll never have teeth, though you're giving us some indication that they're moving around in there, because you're always sucking your lips in over top your gums. It makes you have an uncanny likeness to an old woman without her dentures on! Grandma has started to give you a little bit of formula once in awhile when I haven't left quite enough milk for you. It made me pretty sad the first time we had to pull it out, but you did beautifully with it, and you haven't rejected your nursing time at all.
Beans, this "baby" time with you is flying by so fast. I'm so grateful for the quiet moments when I'm able to breathe deep, treasure the peacefulness, snuggle you up in my arms and whisper, "I love you" into your neck. At times I wish those moments could last forever. Then I let my mind wander into the future, and I realize that there are so many many moments yet to come!

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