Well, here we are at 36 weeks already. I've gained somewhere around 43 pounds (obviously the scale is broken...I can't have really gained that much weight, right?!) The belly seems to morph noticeably on a daily basis, and Sofie seems to be getting more and more crammed in as each day passes. I wonder what it feels like to be so smooshed all day long. I know my lungs and ribs don't seem to appreciate it much, and I can't imagine that having such limited space to attempt to move your whole body in is much fun at all. Sofie seems to be taking out the frustration by making me miserable! I was feeling so great for so long, and it seems like overnight I've turned into a mess. My feet have taken a complete nosedive. They seem to be swollen to twice their normal size. Each morning I get up and try to shove them into my shoes for one more day. At first the shoes were just a bit tight, and then they were really tight but still comfortable once I managed to wiggle them on. Now they are ridiculously tight, almost impossible to shove my feet into, and at the end of the day my toes feel like they've been bruised. My feet, which I've never had an odor problem with in my entire life, have decided to protest their confinement by stinking to high heaven. Oh the joys of pregnancy!
I've been incredibly busy lately, hence the lack of updated posts. We've been working hard to unpack the house and get Sofie's room ready, and I'm pleased to report that everything is now out of its box and has a place except for the pictures/decorations, which still need to be hung up. I've also been putting in long days at my clinic site five days a week. My darling alarm now goes off at 5:30 AM, and I'm typically rolling back in here around 6:00 or later in the evenings, exhausted and hungry! I am really enjoying the experience and I'm grateful to have something to keep my mind occupied and off of the inevitable countdown, but part of me wishes I had a little more time to relax in these last few weeks of freedom. Oh well, I suppose it's good preparation for sleepless nights and the never ceasing demands of a helpless little person.
I had a wonderful baby shower two and a half weeks ago, and I have some pictures I'd like to post if I can ever figure out how to get them turned right side up so that they'll be easier to view. I'm way way way overdue on sending out Thank You cards (I'm so sorry! I swear they're coming!) It was really fun to chat with some folks I haven't seen in awhile and we were overwhelmed with great baby gifts. We are pretty much all set with everything we need to bring this little bundle home except for a few more cloth diapers and the dreaded breast pump!!! Gee, I'm really looking forward to that purchase!
Doc appointments are scheduled for every week now...the next one is Friday morning. I'll try to be better about updating. Short and sweet is better than no news at all, right?
YAY! A short post is definately better than no post - it's been forever since we've seen an update and I getting worried!!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, even if that scale was right (which I don't think it is), you look freaking awesome. So, don't even worry about it. I'm 3 weeks ahead of you and about twice as big. You were skinny before you got pregnant and I'm sure it will take you no time at all to get back to your old self!!
Second, don't stress about doing your thank you cards, everyone knows that you guys have been busy lately and preparing for a baby is very time consuming!! I've heard the rule is you have 6 months to do thank you cards for babies and up to a year to do them for weddings!!
Third, make sure you check eBay for a breast pump, we got a smokin deal on one. You can always buy replacement parts for them... especially if you get a Medela one.
Hopefully Ben's had some luck with the job hunting too.
Keep us posted!!
Hey Sam, I've been thinking about you guys too! This is the hardest part of pregnancy, the last month seems like forever. You will be fine.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you updated! I've been thinking about how tired you must be now. I've also heard that you can rent pumps from the hospital for fairly cheap.
ReplyDeleteHow'd your appt go??