Sunday, July 22, 2007

Rise and Shine Pregnant Style

Waking up pregnant is swell...and swollen!

I wake up every morning at 5:00 AM for my ritual bathroom run. Why my bladder can't wait until 5:30 AM, which is when my alarm goes off most days, I haven't a clue. Then I go back to sleep for that precious half an hour, wake up to my delightful alarm and spend some time stretching. By stretching, of course, I mean I spend at least five minutes combating the dreaded leg cramps, which I've become an expert at alleviating. I can't wait to have my body back. My "roomie" has certainly overstayed her welcome!

This weekend we spent time writing up a little birth plan and packing our hospital bag. So...we are all set and just waiting now. I expect we've got quite a bit of time to wait, but it's nice to feel prepared. Just for fun, we've begun to guess at Sofie's arrival time and her stats. Ben thinks August 15th, 8 pounds on the dot and "a little longer than average" whatever that means. I think August 18th, 8 pounds 5 ounces and 20 inches. Our friend Dave insists that Sofie will be born on the 22nd and weigh 8 pounds 2 ounces. No guesses about her length. He seems to think that because he correctly predicted that she was a girl, he has some sort of guru guessing skills. We'll see...

Feel free to make your predictions...

Our next appointment is on the 26th, and I'll finally get an idea of how my cervix is cooperating at that appointment. I'll be sure to keep you posted!


  1. I think August 17th, 8 pounds 15 oz and 21 inches

  2. I'm still hoping for the 14th, since it's Chad's b-day!! 7lbs 15oz... 20" long.

    I really hope you don't go over your due date, I'm still a day away from mine and am frustrated because she hasn't made her appearance yet!!

  3. Oh and I also want to point out to Dave that "guessing" the gender of a baby is not actually that difficult, there is far more room for error in weight and height...

  4. Just because you're carrying an Otto baby and I have some experience in the matter, I say you'll have a 4 hour labor, August 15th, 9 lbs 3 oz, 21 inches... just like my first! Piece of cake! ;)

    Although, if you could hold out til the 16th that'd be cool, since she'd share a b-day with Grandma Debbie!
