Here we are at 32 weeks. Sofie made me eat too many minty cookies this month and so it's totally her fault that I gained another ten pounds. Yup...ten...that means I'm up 38.5 pounds, officially over the recommended weight gain for the entire pregnancy, with eight weeks left to go. Hmph. I'm trying very hard to ignore the extra chub hanging out on my thighs and upper arms and daydreaming about the postpartum updates in which I will tell you how many pounds up Sofie is and how many pounds down I am rather than up. Sofie's movements have slowed down a bit this month, probably because it's getting awfully tight in there. I still feel her bopping around, but not with the same gusto she had just a month ago. I'm starting to slow down too and getting more and more uncomfortable, especially in the heat. We only have one ancient window air conditioner that barely keeps the kitchen cool, and it obviously isn't sufficient for pregnant lady sweats. Also, I never realized that when pregnant ladies say that it's hard for them to bend over, it isn't just maneuvering the massive belly that's getting in their way that they're complaining about. It is actually painful to bend over because doing so causes the baby to smash into some organ or another, and you can imagine how comfortable that is!
This has been an incredibly stressful month for Ben and I. Ben is still looking for a job and we are quickly running out of cash. If something doesn't work out very very soon we're facing not having enough money available to cover our bills for August. That's right...August. You know, that month when we're supposed to be bringing home our first child. So you can imagine that I'm freaking out just a wee bit. We had hoped to be moving right around this time, and obviously those plans have fallen through as well. I've been pretty down and very bitter that I'm allowing these annoyances to rob me of the joys I should be feeling over bringing a precious little life into the world. Then again, I've never done anything the easy way. There's no need to start now...
Here are a few extra photos. The one on the bottom was the first time I saw what my belly looks like when I lay down and I happen to think it is ridiculously cool.
I also have some awesome scans to post from the 3D ultrasound that Deanna graciously had us in for on Friday as soon as I can manage to coordinate my technologies. I'll just tease you with the information that this kiddo definitely takes after her father...

You are such a beautiful, glowing pregnant lady! *hugs* Just like you used to think you would be. I'm sorry things are so stressful right now. If you want/need to talk or just hang out at Grammy's, give me a call. I love you Sam!
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is that I totally understand... about everything!!
ReplyDeleteSam-for what it's worth, I just know that somehow these things always work out. Maybe not the way we thought, but really, they do always somehow work out. I remember Melissa's mom telling us one time that after she had Melissa she would cry because she couldn't afford to buy her a Happy Meal or else they wouldn't have gas in the car. And while I realize that's not my story to share (sorry!), I think most parents, definitely including mine, have a story like that and it just does work out. And I'm so excited to see your 3-D Ultrasound pictures-does she look at all like her Aunt Heidi??
ReplyDeleteOh and your belly DOES look super cool in that second picture