Monday, June 25, 2007


I swear I have such good intentions of getting Sofie's pictures posted, but things have been so crazy nuts around our place lately...

Thanks to some volunteered help from our fabulous-ly supportive family (it takes a village!) and some pride-swallowing on our part, Ben and I will be moving on up to a deluxe apartment in the Cleveland area! Hold on to your hats because this place has two bedrooms! (no more sleeping in the dining room!) and central air! (no more sweating like pigs!) and a washer and dryer in the unit! (the end of my five years toting laundry somewhere else!) and a dishwasher and garbage disposal! (holy cow, what luxury!) and a garage! (what's that?) and the community has a pool and a tennis court!!! (and you better believe I will be pruny from now until Sofie arrives!) and I feel like we're moving from the ghetto straight to heaven. Of course, considering we just went apartment hunting this Saturday and have only just today learned that our application was accepted...and considering that we need to have everything clean and moved by this Friday, things are just a little crazy. This also means that this morning when I went to put the 3D pictures on the flash drive, that we've just recovered from the last place we misplaced it, in order to bring it to the student center so I could post the pictures here, I found that the computer had been dismantled and packed away in the wee hours of the night by my especially productive husband. assured that I have not forgotten about posting them, but also rest-assured that you will probably not find them here anytime soon!

This weekend the girls from my class got together and threw me a splendid little shower. It was also sort of a last hurrah since we've just finished our VERY LAST CLASS and will not all be in the same place again until oral comps next spring. We had a lot of fun with some unconventional shower games, ate way too much really tasty food and laughed a lot. Intentions were to start Sofie's library, and everyone was so generous with books and clothes and little baby paraphernalia including the cutest tiny emery boards you ever did see. The whole class also pooled their money and bought us our baby swing, which is, I'm convinced, the coolest swing ever invented. I was so overwhelmed by the generosity of this group of penny-pinching career-college folks...I can't wait to share Sofie with them!

My enormous family shower is coming up this Saturday and it's always fun to get the cackling hens together. I can't believe all this is happening already. In some ways it seems like it was just yesterday that we were surprised by two pink lines. So much has changed in the last eight months, and the next eight are sure to bring exponential changes with them. I am hopeful, excited and terrified all at once!


  1. yay! I am so excited for your apartment. I am staying with LuAnn Friday night and then Saturday I can drive with you to your apartment and help unload stuff and see it before I head back. I'm really excited!!! i'll call you soon.

  2. YAY Sam, I'm so excited for you guys!! I'm glad to see that things are looking up!! ;o)
