Well there it is, my white belly. As of this morning I have gained 7 pounds. I would like to believe that's 3 pounds of brain (mine) 3 pounds of brain (worm's) and 1 pound of boobs. However, that's probably not too realistic, especially since worm is only supposed to weigh about half an ounce at this point. I was secretly hoping that today my nausea and sleepiness would magically disappear, but that hasn't been the case either. They have been gradually waning though, and for that I am grateful.
I had another crazy dream last night. Ben and I were driving in the car, I assume to the hospital, and I delivered the baby in the passenger seat. I had a really great view too, it was weird. I totally watched the head come out and then kind of pulled the rest of the body. (Maybe that's a little too much information!) It was a little boy, he had a little bit of light brown hair and a tiny little nose. I had to clean out his mouth to get him to start breathing, but after that he was fine...and I woke up. It was a pretty cool dream. I think Ben was sort of jealous when I told him because he pouted just a bit and said, "I haven't had any dreams about the baby yet..."