My little love you are six months old and your Mama is absolutely flabbergasted that half a year could have come and gone already. It's so hard to believe that in six more months I'll barely remember what it feels like to tote you around on my hip all day long just like I can hardly recall what it felt like to carefully support your squishy newborn body just six months ago.
You are sitting solidly and focusing your time on getting into a crawling position, though you're still nowhere near actually crawling. One evening as you were working quite intently, your Daddy and I spotted you doing a perfect downward dog. It's so interesting to watch you fight with your uncooperative appendages, reigning them in just a little more each day. You're very determined and you know what you want. You get frustrated when you can't quite figure out how to get it and you sure aren't afraid to voice your discontent.
You're still not interested in food, in fact you're quite frustrating to feed since you won't open your mouth and you try your best to ignore me. Often you turn your head away and won't even make eye contact with me, though I'm pretty sure you're paying attention to the ridiculous antics I perform to try and get you to eat because I catch you grinning in response. You still grab at anything and everything that's on my dinner plate and recently we were out to dinner with your Auntie Heidi and I gave you a wedge of pita to taste. You love love LOVED it, couldn't get enough of it, had a royal meltdown when I took it away from you. Since then I've been trying some bits of table food with slightly more success, so perhaps we'll just skip that smooshy baby stuff on the spoon and go straight for the good stuff.
You are such a snuggle bug and I absolutely love it when you're sleepy and you throw your arm around my neck and plant your forehead into my chest for a little rest. Sometimes you make a contented, "Hmmmmm." and I hum right back. When you're hungry and I'm not moving fast enough for your liking you grab my face with both palms flat against my cheeks and give me big slobbery kisses and you grin like a lovestruck fool when I cover your smooshy cheeks in kisses. I'm really enjoying our snuggly times right now, since I know that all too soon you won't be too interested in staying still long enough to let your Mama rub her cheek on your fuzzy little head.
You're very interested in what's happening all around you and you've started to become very distracted when you're supposed to be nursing. You'll nurse, nurse, nurse, and then crane your neck around to see what's happening behind you. You're particularly enthralled by The Wiggles, a favorite of your sister's, and if she's indulging in their music videos I don't even try to nurse you.
Lately I've been trying to think of a good adjective to describe you and I'm really having a hard time pinning down your personality in words. You're focused, but distractable, calm and pleasant, but then furious. The best word I've been able to come up with is intense which, I think it's interesting to note, is a word that I chose to describe you when you were only a few weeks old. My imagination bubbles over when I consider what you might accomplish with such a disposition at whatever it is that catches your interest in the years to come. What a joy it is to be your Mama.
So sweet! I can't believe it's been six months already. My heart breaks to think I missed out on holding your little newborn baby (alright, maybe not so little, but I always thought of mine as "little" anyway!). I think his personality sounds a lot like pieces of both you and Ben. I miss you guys sooooooo much! I swear as soon as we can have a month without MRI's, broken cars or reduced paychecks, I'm GOING to start saving for a road trip to Ohio!!! :)