She calls it a, "tuck" and it cracks me up every time. I don't have the heart to tell her that it's about the furthest vehicle you can find from a truck! We are excited about Ben's purchase and looking forward to very very good gas mileage.
Ben spent the night at Uncle Kyle's last night and this morning as it was nearing the time that we were expecting him home we heard some banging around outside as we often do. There is an alley way that runs right in front of our windows and there are often trucks delivering furniture, packages, or coming to fetch the garbage and Sofie finds them very entertaining. I told Sofie to go look out the window to see if it was daddy and his new truck making all the noise this time. She ran off to look out the window and I heard her gasp then as clear as could be she said, "I see my Daddy!!!" Sure enough, there was Daddy making his way home up the alley. We went out to meet him by the elevator. It was the cutest thing!
There has been a very exciting development I am happy to report. Yesterday morning and again this morning Sofie has taken a shower with me. As I was recently lamenting about one of my two greatest fears, "Oh poor me, mamas who have two children never get to have a shower...sob sob!" a mommy friend of mine shared with me that her daughter regularly takes a shower with her in the morning. What a glorious idea, right? You plop one kid in the shower with you and then she can't poke her little brother's eyeballs out. Except that I had tried to take a shower with Sofie a few months ago and she was very upset about the whole experience. So upset, in fact, that I ended up turning the shower off and filling up the bathtub instead. I didn't have much hope for the whole shower idea, but I thought it was worth another try and miraculously Sofie has forgotten about whichever horrible monster ruined her last experience. Instead of getting upset she stood patiently at the end of the bathtub, Elmo fishing pole in hand, and got good and wet while I took my shower. Then I soaped her up and tada! Clean kid, happy mama. I'm so thrilled to have drastically reduced the amount of baths that I have to give her. I'm not sorry to admit that bathtime is one of my least favorite times of the day! Here's my big girl after her shower yesterday morning.
Today was a beautiful sunshine-y day so we took Sofie out to the local playground. She spent most of her time swinging...
Playing boo... ...and climbing climbing climbing up up up...

We had a really nice time together as a family. On the way home from the playground Sofie was getting pretty loopy. She had skipped her nap earlier in the day (spent an hour gleefully chatting with herself in her crib while she was supposed to be sleeping) and then run herself ragged at the playground. She was cracking Ben and I up with her overtired antics, cycling through her favorite words, singing and giggling, and then out of nowhere came this:
What a cute little goofball! Needless to say, she had passed out by the time we arrived home. What a wonderful weekend we've been fortunate to enjoy!
is she saying that she's giving kisses to Nicky? That is so cute
ReplyDeleteThat is too cute! I love it!