Monday, August 18, 2008


In a bizarre ceremony this Saturday, August 16th, a goofily garbed professional draped an elaborate piece of fabric over my head and dubbed me a doctor! Which makes it all official-like and means that from this point onward I will only be answering to: Dr. Sam, Dr. Mama, Dr. Wifey and maybe if I'm feeling very gracious, hey you Dr. Lady.

On a more serious note, I'd like to thank everyone who has been there to support me through this very long road. Most of all my Mom whom I could have never made it through without. Over the past year she fixed us dinner, cleaned our house, changed countless dirty diapers, did our grocery shopping and more without a single complaint. (In contrast, I've been doing it for about six weeks now and I'm pretty sure I complain almost daily!) In my mind she has earned a doctorate of her own for relentless supportive parenting. I feel quite lucky to have such a wonderful role-model. Thanks Mom!


  1. Congratulations Dr. Sam!!

    P.S. Aren't mom's amazing? It's so awesome that she's been there for you through this journey, especially Sofie's first year!! You're so lucky!!

  2. Congratulations Dr Samwifeladymom! You are awesome! And your mom is great, too =) Wish I could have been there.

  3. Congratulations Dr. Sammers! I am so proud of you!

    I agree, your mom is a pretty awesome lady. Although they did come from a REALLY awesome lady so it was probably to be expected. ;)
