After a leisurely morning Worm got a surprise visit from Nana and Grandma who brought her a bright pink balloon, some birthday cards, and her first present of the day! After a short visit she went down for her afternoon nap while mama sewed away at a little dress for Bebe Do. We are having family pictures taken tomorrow and I thought Bebe Do needed a dress to match the rest of the family! When Sofie woke up we hustle-bustled around running errands. Sofie wore her new red patent leather shoes (or doos as she calls them) and many strangers stopped to admire her. We told everyone who asked that it was her birthday today and got lots of well wishes!

We arrived home in time to fix dinner before daddy got in from work. The birthday girl had quite a good time with her spaghetti and required a bath afterwards rather than the usual quick mouth-wipe!

Afterwards we took a trip to Toys 'R' Us where daddy helped Sofie pick out a birthday present...a new tradition which should be fun until she turns 16 and wants him to take her to the Honda dealership! We arrived home late, conjured up Gran Debbie and later on the Vance family on the webcam to watch as Sofie thoroughly enjoyed her "cake" and opened lots more presents from the Colorado crew and of course her Bebe Do!

What a fun day! Tomorrow we're heading to Tuscora Park for pictures and preparing for Sofie's birthday party on Saturday. I imagine I'll be in a baking frenzy about this time tomorrow night since I am making about 70 cupcakes and a smash cake for Bean!
Thank you to everyone who was thinking of us today. We sure do have a well-loved little girl!
Happy Birthday Sofie!! Hope you guys have a fun party - can't wait to see pictures!!
ReplyDeletehappy birthday Sofia girl- and happy one year of being parents Ben and Sam! I am so excited to see you guys on Saturday
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of her in jeans looking up at you!! Those are great smash cake pictures too!! She is so photogenic!!