Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Fashion Show!

Begin with your basic orange FuzziBunz...

Add one Daddy's Lil' Ghoul Halloween onesie with starry Baby Legs...

Don't forget your "My First Halloween" bib...

Go for the gusto with your Ohio State cheerleader's uniform!
(Thanks Grampy Dan!)

Or just fall back on your old staple...the worm!

Happy Halloween everyone!


  1. She is SOOOO cute! (In ALL of her Halloween outfits!) We were cracking up at the cheerleader and the worm! ;o) (We can't wait to see you guys!!)

  2. P.S. Chad says she looks like a Gloworm!!

  3. The worm is adorable. The blond wig kind of freaks me out.

  4. She is one cute baby Sammers! She looks just like a little doll in the OSU uniform. lol

    And if you happen upon Mary Poppins see if she has a sister she could send my way...dare to dream, huh? lol

  5. Oh my gosh she's so freaking cute! Love the outfits, the cheerleader and worm are hilarious!

  6. I love it!! I love the worm- how fitting!
