Goodness gracious, check out that belly! Told you I had a growth spurt this month. I've gained a whopping 25.5 total pounds, which is a constant source of anxiety for me. I had intentions to only gain 30 total. Middle of the road between the 25-35 "they" recommend. Looks like I'm well on my way to 50...gloom. The belly is starting to get in the way. I have backaches every night, I'm finding it harder to get out of my chair and cutting my toenails last week was quite a challenge! I've been much more active since the weather has finally gotten nice, and I've made it over to the track for a jog a few times now. I can't tell you how satisfying it is to troop around that track with my belly bouncing right along...I feel a bit like a superhero! Sofie's been very active too. She loves to have a half-hour aerobics session around 1:30 AM, and we've noticed that sometimes my belly is really hard (when she flips over and sticks her butt out) and then she'll flip back over and it will get soft again. I'm pretty sure she's still hanging out breach since I often find myself squirming through some "friendly" little kicks in the cervix...fun! We signed up for some Bradley Method childbirth classes that begin next Monday. I'm pretty excited about starting them. They claim that 86% of couples who finish their classes have natural,
un-medicated births. Much better than the national average of 10%! They focus a lot on the husband's role as coach, which is really good because I have a feeling I'm going to need all the help I can get!
what I love about these pictures is that even though you've got a big belly for the first time in your life, the way you are standing in them and the way you're holding your hands is so how you've always stood...I would be able to pick you out of a line up with just body shots (even without the belly)